Russian Federation
The present article discusses the main features of the content of international legal responsibility of the law of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Analysis of the concept of “content” of international legal responsibility is based on the Draft articles on responsibility of states for internationally wrongful acts, prepared by the UN International Law Commission in 2001, as well as the differences in the conceptual underpinnings of the responsibility, which is held on the various speakers’ issue. The author shares the view that the specificity of the institute of responsibility in WTO law in comparison with the general international law (Draft of UN International Law Commission), can be explained in terms of the fact that WTO law serves a lex specialis in relation to general international law. Review and comparison of the provisions of the Draft of UN International Law Commission and the Dispute Settlement Understanding of the WTO has allowed to conclude that the philosophy of the basic principles of the content of the international responsibility in these documents are very close to or even in the ground is the same. The article investigated the basic concept of a “violation of obligations” in WTO law and obligations of the members of the organization to terminate the offense. It is concluded that in spite of the individual features of the implementation requirements to provide “assurances and guarantees” prohibiting further violations of the WTO agreements, in general, WTO law ensures compliance with the obligation to cease the wrongful conduct.
general international law, WTO law, contents of international legal responsibility, internationally wrongful act, termination of the offense, appropriate assurances and guarantees of non-violation of international law.
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