The present publication provides the review of the joint seminar of young scientists from the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation and Petrozavodsk State University faculty of law which took place on April 29, 2015 in Petrozavodsk. During the event the main activities of the Institute were presented. Particular attention was paid to such areas as scientific legal support of activities of the Government of the Russian Federation, carrying out basic and applied scientific researches in legal sphere, examination of legal experience of foreign states and international associations, realization of functions of the interdisciplinary center for coordinating scientific and educational methodological support in combating corruption, realization of policy in education and professional development, performance of functions of the Secretariat of the Russian Federation delegation in the European Commission for democracy through law, activities of the Council of young scientists and the Council of graduate students, etc. At the same time, special attention was also paid to the questions of participation of youth in the Institute’s scientific life and involvement of young scientists-lawyers in joint research projects. During the seminar the foundation was laid for the main areas of interaction between the young scientists of the Institute and the University, including publishing of the results of joint scientific researches in publications of the Institute and the University, participation in the events held by the Institute and the University, involvement of the University graduates in the Institute’s Master programs, exchange in educational and scientific literature, etc. The seminar proceeded in a friendly businesslike atmosphere; its participants recognized the efficiency of the held meeting.
Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, Petrozavodsk State University, seminar, law, cooperation, comparative law.
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