Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article deals with the issues related to the establishment of the legislation on legal entities in Kazakhstan, beginning with the 1991 Law on Enterprises and ending with the Laws enacted on the basis of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Further, the article resolves most topical issues regarding legal regulation of legal entities. Considerable attention is paid to the concept of corporation and corporate relations. On the basis of the analysis of disputable viewpoints the author arrives at the conclusion that corporate relations constitute a part of the in-house relations regulated by civil standards. This is possible in virtue of the fact that the General Meeting is not a corporate body; rather it serves as an expression of the incorporators’ will. The article also tackles the issues on regulation of the activities of state legal entities, in relation to which the Law on the State Property is adopted in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

legal entities, the Civil Code, corporation, corporate relations, in-house relations, the General Meeting, state legal entities, Joint-Stock Companies and Limited Liability Partnerships partially owned by the government.

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