Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article covers the range of issues on the efficiency of combating corruption from the perspective of taking into account the role of social perception of legal norms. The author lays emphasis on the perception of corruptive relations as an object of legal pressure, and the law, as means for the implementation of the anti-corruption policy through their social nature. The author acknowledges the issuance of specialized laws and regulations to be a restricted measure, and states the need in ensuring effectiveness of the institutionalized anti-corruption norms. In this respect the author introduces the concept of social reality as a key attribute necessary to ensure the efficiency of law-making and implementation of law-enforcement processes. The article pays special attention to the problems of appearance of social alienation and formation of a consumer society, which are very topical for modern Russia. Besides, as part of the identified range of issues, the author examines taking into account of structural specific characteristics of the existing society, and the factor of social consciousness inertia which collectively considerably influence the efficiency of legal anti-corruption initiatives.

corruption, law, the validity of norms, social capital, social alienation.

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