On the basis of the analysis of federal and regional level legislations, as well as judicial practice this article studies the issues of constitution-legal regulation of the order of formation and redistricting of electoral districts in the regions of the Canadian federation from a perspective of ensuring the implementation of the provisions of the Supreme Court of Canada to ensure an effective national representation (Reference re Prov. Electoral Boundaries (Sask.)). The article outlines proposals on mainstreaming the multifaceted approach of Canadian legislators and the expansion of the list of conditions that affect the ability to make decisions on formation and adjustment of electoral districts in the Russian Federation. The author uses general scientific methodology (analysis, synthesis, analogy, comparison), as well as other methods (historical, legal, historical, comparative law). For the first time the constitution-legal analysis of the Canadian Constitution provisions was carried out, as well as that of the acts of judicial practices and regional legislation regulating the procedure of the electoral districts’ formation and redistricting in the constituent entities of the Canadian federation from a perspective of ensuring the implementation of the provisions of the Supreme Court of Canada to ensure an effective national representation.
Effective representation, electoral district, the Constitution of Canada, province, legal act, judicial decision, the Supreme Court of Canada, Commission on Elections, delimitation, electoral quotient.
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