Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article described a common statistical processing of information from the human body, as insufficiently correct, the necessity of evaluation functions organiz-ma, its adaptation reserves - with the help of the system analysis. The aim of the study was the use-tion of new products on the basis of multivariate phase space of states. Two CHECK dennyh research unit in 2 groups of students studied parameters of tremor using bioizme-nary complex with no load and load, as well as the recorded heart rate cut-ny, calculated indicators of activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system, the standard deviation intervals, Baevsky stress index. We calculated the components of the spectral power in the low and ultralow- frequency bands, as well as the value of vagosympathetic balance. After the standardized dynamic loading (30 squats) registration continued for 5 minutes. Using innovative methods proved to be more sensitive to the identification of the elements studied. The regularities in the dynamics of the behavior of the state vector of the body of persons trained and untrained should be used to quantify the degree of detraining of the body, as well as to assess the quality of the dose of physical activity (exercise) in athletes under relevant preparations (including sports).

cardiovascular system, tremor, quasi-attractor, frequency response, physical activity, functional system.

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