Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
One of the most important factors, influencing the development on concept of confidence in psychotherapy is social environment. The analysis of expectations of Russian patients towards psychotherapy (this construct with a certain limitations can be assimilated to concept of confidence in psychotherapy) requires taking into account social environment factor, including social-demographic situation in the Russian Federation. According to the results of a survey of the Public Opinion Foundation (POF) including 1500 individuals aged 18+ years (dated November 2014), the use of psychotherapeutic and psychological services decreased since 2006 by 20% (!) and today constitutes less than 20%. According to participant’s opinion, the accessibility of psychotherapeutic service slightly increased (by 5%). During the same time period the number of respondents who are certain that reference to psychologists or psychotherapists is worthless increased by 8%. At the same time, according to national statistical investigations, more than 30% of population has psychiatric conditions requiring medical help or consultation of a psychiatrist, or, more often, a psychotherapist or clinical psychologist. Consequently, there is a decrease of confidence in psychotherapy among potential service consumers in our country, which is to no small degree associated with concern of disapproval of psychotherapeutic help by reference group (friends, colleagues, family members etc.). In other words, psychotherapeutic or psychological help will be associated with shame and insecurity. The reason for such an attitude of population to psychotherapeutic treatment are likely distorted perception, associated with lack of information, apprehensive attitude towards psychiatric treatment (which is closely related in the public consciousness to psychotherapy). The attitude of internists and health officials towards psychotherapy may play an important role in the discrediting psychotherapy. One gets the impression that nowadays at the present stage of development of psychotherapy in our country, educational function of psychotherapist becomes of paramount significance. It should be aimed both at the development of knowledge on the efficacy of psychotherapeutic methods and at the necessity of engagement of psychotherapists and psychologists in diagnostics and treatment alongside with internal medicine doctors, and also at the promotion of credibility of psychotherapy among the potential users of psychotherapeutic services.

expectations of psychotherapy, efficacy of psychotherapy, social environment factors, beliefs and opinions, confidence in psychotherapy, educational function of psychotherapist, concept of psychotherapy

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