Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The foundations in the Eurasianism doctrine, one of the philosophical and socio-political movements of the Russian emigration’s first wave are considered in this paper. The Eurasian concept’s key ideas, such as the uniqueness and originality of Russian ethno-cultural space, features of development area, Russian multinational people’s unity, “pan-Eurasian nationalism,” national idea, Eurasian statehood are analyzed. The basic documents and programs of the federal cultural policy are considered in this paper, and a correlation of Eurasian concepts with the basic principles and objectives of the Russia’s state cultural policy in the post-Soviet period are carried out as well. The conclusion is drawn that the Eurasian concept can be used for solving the problems of cultural policy at this country development’s present stage, as this concept takes into account specific national, geopolitical, historical and cultural characteristics of our state and allows keep the Eurasian world’s identity and diversity.

Eurasian, Russia-Eurasia, identity, national unity, public cultural policy.

Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке гранта РГНФ № 15-23-21002/15 «Международные аспекты культурной политики России в постсоветский период».


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