Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper’s authors investigate the features related to the process of entering the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol into the Russian Federation. This investigation’s particular accent has been placed on analysis related to the process of new regions adaptation and integration in the Russia’s social, economic and political system. In particular, the analysis of the conditions under which the integration takes place is carried out. There is the support of population on the one hand, and the external economic sanctions on the other. The authors analyze the status and prospects of Crimea’s energy and transport infrastructure development in connection with the blockade on the side of Ukraine. A number of problems and areas for further work to improve the adaptation and integration process effectiveness have been pointed out in this paper

Crimea, adaptation, integration, energy, Sevastopol, energy bridge, transport, blockade, sanctions, policy.

Статья подготовлена по результатам исследований, выполненных за счет бюджетных средств по Государственному заданию Финансового университета 2015 г.


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