The article analyzes some problems affecting the prospects of Russian-Belarusian relations in the context of the Ukrainian crisis. The current international situation also affects the range of possibilities of transformation of the political regime in Belarus. The article analyzes some positions of Western scholars, providing differing views on the nature of the conflict between Russia and the West, as well as the proposed approaches to the development of relations between the West and Belarus. The analysis allows to define the Russian interests in the development of relations with Belarus more clearly. Currently, among the factors that negatively affect the prospects of bilateral relations the authors point out the economic downturn in Russia, deep structural crisis of the Belarusian economy, the objective shortcomings of existing integration institutions. A significant negative factor is the fact that the Ukrainian crisis contributes to the politicization of issues of bilateral cooperation, which introduces complexity in the formation of stable partnerships.
Russian-Belarusian relations, Ukrainian crisis, electoral authoritarianism, Eurasian integration
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