Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes actual problems of Informatization of the modern world politics. The authors emphasize the necessity of adequate reaction of the expert community and public authorities on the adoption of electronic technologies and communications in various areas of social reality. The publication examines such issues as the «digital divide», the state of information security, the relationship of information and the spiritual realm of modern politics. The authors analyze the role of transnational actors of globalization in formation of global information environment. The conclusion is made about the mutual dependence of political and information spheres, leading to the emergence of new «hybrid» forms and technologies of struggle for political power. It is emphasized that in the conditions of permanent information revolution close cooperation between state administration bodies, the network of civil associations and the expert community is required.

World politics, political relations, information, information revolution, transnational organizations, civil society, information technology, online communities, national security, information security

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