Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article provides an author's view of the current problems facing the banking system of the Russian Federation as part of the transition to digital banking services, especially aggravated due to the massive using remote channels of interaction due to the restrictions of the pandemic period. The author analyzes the current problems of financial sector due to increased criminal cyber attacks and offers recommendations to counter these crimes. There is evidence of the need to revise the concepts and strategies of the development of banks in connection with digitalization, to improve approaches to information security. And the author concludes that it is information security that is a key element in the process of digitalization of banking activities, and the soundness of banking institutions can be ensured only by the joint efforts of the state, banks and their customers, which will play a key role in stabilizing the domestic financial sector.

digitalization, financial sector, banking, digital finance, countering digital crimes, information security

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