TY JOUR TI Стратегически ориентированное развитие персонала организации KW In this article KW the author analyzes contemporary particularities of the strategically focused personnel development. Only those companies which are aware of changing trends and have capability to adopt to them have good chances of surviving during a crisis. Therefore KW it is crucially important to realize the impact of strategically focused personnel development on company’s overall strategic behavior. Author’s analysis of this aspect in numerous national companies provides evidence that personnel development processes are often implemented and managed ineff ectively. That fact proves necessity of further rationalization of cooperative work with company’s personnel in order to design and implement a sound corporate strategy JO Управление персоналом и интеллектуальными ресурсами в России AU Свистунов, В.М. PY 2016 IS 5 PB Общество с ограниченной ответственностью «Научно-издательский центр ИНФРА-М»