TY JOUR TI Влияние стимуляторов роста природного происхождения на проростки хвойных пород KW The paper presents the laboratory research results of the influence of two biostimulants Verva and Verva-Spruce KW obtained from softwood greenery. The first preparation is based on the fir emulsion extract (the reactnt is triterpenoid acid) KW the second one contains extractive compo-nents of spruce greenery (the reactant is flavonoids). The task of the research was to study the effect of two preparations Verva and Verva-Spruce KW previously successfully tested on agricultural crops KW on seed germination and biometrical indices of softwood germs in the initial period of their development in laboratories. JO Лесотехнический журнал AU Терехов, Г.Г. AU Кучин, А.В. AU Стеценко, С.К. AU Андреева, Е.М. AU Хуршкайнен, Т.В. PY 2016 IS 6 PB Воронежский государственный лесотехнический университет имени Г.Ф. Морозова