Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2541-9420 (print) 2587-9596 (online)
Russian science citation index:
Yes 8451
Russian higher attestation Commission:

Rules for authors

These rules are based on the requirements of the Civil Code, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Copyright and Related Rights" dated 09.07.1993 № 5351-1 was amended on 19 July 1995 and 20 July 2004 of the RF Law "On media "from 27.12.1991, the № 2124-1 with subsequent amendments, the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation and regulate the relationship between publishers in the face of the editorial board of the" Bulletin ESSC SB RAMS ", hereinafter referred to as" editorial board ", and the author, transmits its an article for publication in the journal, hereinafter referred to as "Author".

The editorial board of the "Bulletin ESSC SB RAMS» Please note the following instructions for the preparation of manuscripts for publication.

"Bulletin of ESSC SB RAMS" publishes articles on biomedical science and practical public health, as well as related issues.

The journal publishes reviews, original articles, reports from practice, lectures and informational messages. All submissions are reviewed and discussed by the editorial board.

The journal welcomes articles from authors mostly familiar with editorial policy and showing knowledge of the articles published in the journal.

Papers should be submitted to the editors in electronic form in a text editor Microsoft Word (font Times New Roman 12 pt, line spacing "bastard", margins: left - 30 mm, right - 10 mm, top and bottom - every least 20 mm), together with scanned cover letter sending organization, which are signed by all the authors, and, where appropriate, expert opinion. You can not be sent to the editorial work, printed in other publications, or sent to other publications. Articles sent to the address: sikol@sbamsr.irk.ru. The date of receipt of the article is the time of receipt of the final (processed) version of the article.

Sample of the manuscript see. Sites http://byulleten.com; http://www.scrrs.ru/byulleten vsnts so ramn.

Tables should be no more than 3-4. In constructing the table all the items necessary to provide a separate line. The letters of the Greek alphabet in the printed version of the paper should be underlined in red.

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On the paper attached information about all authors (surname, first name, title, academic degree, title, full postal address, office phone (mobile phone needs only to contact one of the authors of the article in case of any revisions in the article - the magazine he not indicated), e-mail address with the transfer of all data into English.

The first page includes: UDC, initials and names of authors, title of the article, the full name of the institution (with reference to the author) indicating the status of the organization (an acronym before the title), departmental affiliation, mailing address, name of and e-mail address of the author responsible for correspondence, as well as the summary.

The summary should reflect the purpose, methods, results of the study. Volume summary of 400 to 500 characters. Be sure to indicate in the summary of the most important numerical data reflecting the main achievements of the work, and provides statistical tests to prove their importance. Summary completed "keywords" (3 to 10) to facilitate indexing of articles in information retrieval systems.

English summary is intended to serve as an independent source of information from the article. It should be:

  • informative (not contain common words);
  • The original (not be a carbon copy of the Russian language summaries);
  • The substantive (reflecting the main content of the article and research). The text should be concise and beads, free from background information, are solid formulations.
  • Structured (follow the logic description of the results in the article);
  • «English language" (writing quality English language);
  • Compact (stowed in the amount of 100 to 250 words).

When translated into English, consider the following:

  • The names of the authors of the articles submitted in one of the accepted international system of transliteration (website http: /www.translit.ru);
  • Titles of scientific articles should be informative. They can only use standard abbreviations, should not be untranslatable slang known only to Russian-speaking specialists, no transliteration from the Russian language but untranslatable names of instruments and other objects that have their own names;
  • The translation of the names of institutions using the conventional transfer of the official version, without abbreviations, the name of the organization.

Typically, the amount of original articles - 8 pages of scientific literature review - 12¬15 pages, short communications - 1.5 page.

The structure of the original article: Introduction - formulated the purpose and need for the study, summarizes the state of the question referring to the most significant publications; Materials and methods - quantitative and qualitative characteristics surveyed (research subjects), and also referred to all the research methods that were used in the work, including statistical analysis. Research methods should be described very clearly, so that it can easily be reproduced.

It should indicate whether the given numerical values derived from primary or lead limits of accuracy, reliability, confidence intervals, evaluations, recommendations adopted or rejected the hypothesis discussed in the article.

The results should be presented in a logical sequence in the text, tables, and figures. The discussion highlighted the new and important aspects of the results of the study can be included based recommendations and a brief conclusion.

If an article contains descriptions of experiments involving human / people, authors should indicate whether they are in accordance with the ethical standards of the committee responsible for experiments involving human / human (national or local) and the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 and its revised version of 2008 .

When submitting print experimental work involving animals should be guided by the "Rules of work with experimental animals." In addition to the species, sex and number of animals used, the authors must indicate applied during painful procedures, pain management techniques and methods of killing animals that you meet the requirements of national leadership and governance institutions on the content and use of laboratory animals.

All terms and definitions must be scientifically valid, their writing (both Russian and Latin) must comply with "encyclopedic dictionary of medical terms" (in 3 volumes ed., Acad. Boris Petrovsky).

Drugs should be given only in the international nonproprietary names, which are used first, and then, if necessary, are some trade names of drugs registered in Russia (according to the information retrieval system "KlifarGosreestr" [State Register of Medicinal Products]).

It is desirable that the writing of registers to meet the standards Enzeme Classifi-cation.

Name of microorganisms must be verified in accordance with the "Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms" (in 3 volumes ed., Acad. Boris Petrovsky) or the publication "Medical Microbiology" (ed. V. Petrovsky).

The manuscript may be accompanied by a glossary of terms (vague, can cause difficulties in reading readers).

Aside from common abbreviations of units changes, physical, chemical and mathematical values and terms (such as DNA) allowed abbreviations phrases often repeated in the text. All abbreviations are deciphered at the first mention in the text.

The doses of drugs, units, and other numerical values must be specified in the SI system.

Captions and photos are grouped together and are given on a separate sheet. Each figure should have a title and a transcript of all the cuts. The captions refer to the graphs indicate the axes of abscissa and ordinate units, explanations are provided for each curve. Captions to microphotographs indicate staining method and magnification.

Abbreviations in the tables are not allowed. All figures in the tables must correspond to figures in the text.


References (References, References) is printed on a separate sheet, drawn up in alphabetical order. First, are the works of local authors, then foreign. The text of the article bibliographic references are indicated by Arabic numerals in square brackets, according to the numbering in the bibliography.

Literature is described as follows:

The authors, article title and source output is in Russian. Then, the (transliteration), translated title of the article into English, the name of the article in the transliterated version in brackets, the name of the source (transliteration), the output with the notation in the English language.

It is recommended that the original papers cite no more than 15, and in reviews - up to 50 sources. The article should be written correctly, text, tables, and other materials carefully checked. Manuscripts not in accordance with these rules will not be accepted. The magazine does not publish reviews on the published works of authors.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to shorten and edit articles.

The date of receipt of an article in the journal shall be the date of receipt edited the final text.

Rules review of manuscripts

All submitted works are reviewed by experts in the field corresponding to the profile of the received article. If necessary scientific review carried out with the participation of several specialists. As a result of the review authors and reviewers' comments are sent to request that corrections work. After correcting the work reviewed again when the author does not agree with the opinion of the reviewer - are sent for review by independent experts. The results of the review are discussed at meetings of the editorial board, where the final decision about the publication of the work. Reviews must be submitted manuscripts and authors on request expert advice in the WAC.

Copyright & Disclaimer

The editorial board is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the authors. Author, sending the manuscript to the Editorial Board, the Editorial Board requests the disclosure thereof by means of its publication in the press.

Author, sending the manuscript to the editorial board, agreed that the Editorial Board of the transfer of the exclusive property rights to the use of the manuscript (transferred to the journal material, including such objects protected by copyright as author photos, drawings, diagrams, tables, etc. .), including play in the press and the Internet; to distribute; Translation manuscripts (materials) in all languages of the peoples of the world; Export and import of copies of the magazine article author in order to spread, for refining of communication to the public. The above rights Author Editorial Board sends without limitation of their actions and in all countries of the world without restriction, including on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The Editorial Board has the right to assign the rights from the author to third parties and has the right to prohibit third parties from any use of the materials published in the magazine. The author guarantees that he has exclusive rights to use the transferred material the Editorial Board. In the event of a breach of this warranty and presented in connection with these claims to the author of the Editorial Board at his own expense agrees to settle all claims.

The Editorial Board is not liable to third parties for breach of these warranties author. The author shall retain the right to use its published material, fragments and pieces for personal, including scientists, educators and purposes. The rights to the manuscript authors Editorial board considered transferred from the moment of the signing of the print issue of the journal in which it is published. The reprint of the materials published in the journal, other individuals and legal entities is possible only with the written consent of the Editorial Board, with the obligatory indication of the number of the journal (year of publication), in which the material was published.

Terms of publishing

Publication of the article and was paid in 2015, 2300 rubles (up to 8 pages inclusive) above - is subject to charge 150 rubles for each page. Free publication of an article is available to graduate students, post-graduate student if the sole author of a scientific article.

In accordance with Part 4 of the Civil Code article accompanied by a license agreement signed by each author. Without this document, the article does not address.

Content items are not provided. The magazine can be obtained only by subscription.

Sample of the manuscript



Acting Last name, initials Surname TITLE OF THE ARTICLE

1 Name of institution, address, city, country

2 Name of the second institution, address, city, country

Last name, first name, E-mail the author responsible for correspondence


Text resume

Keywords: words, words, words.


Acting Last name in English, IO Last English TITLE OF THE ARTICLE IN ENGLISH 1 Name of institution in English 2 Name of the second institution in English


The text summary in English

Key words: words in the English words in English. The text of the introduction, description of the relevance of the topic. Objective: Materials and Methods

Description of materials and methods.

Ethical review. Procedures of voluntary informed consent to participate in research or compliance to experiments on animals.

The method of presenting the results of the study. Description of the method of statistical research.

Results and discussion

Description of the results indicating the statistical significance of the data and discussion of the results in comparison with the literature data.

The table name

Total I 208,2 ± 2,3 | 255,6 ± 5,5


References References

1. Kashafeeva AA Hyshiktuev BS, Gaymolenko SG Smekalov VP

Morphometric parameters in rats with inflammation of the peritoneum and after the local

exposure to the sodium hypochlorite concentration varying //

Bulletin ESSC SB RAMS. - 2011. - № 3. - S. 108-110.

Kashafeeva AA, Khishiktuev BS, Gaimolenko SG, Smekalov VP (2011). Morphomet-ric parameters of rats 'peritoneum during the inflammation and after the local impact on it by sodium hypochlorite solution of different concentrations [Morfometritseskie paramepry bryushyny krys pri vospalenii i posle mestnogo vosdeystviya na nee rastvorom gipokhlorida natriya raznoi kontsentratsii] .Bulleten' Vostocno-Sibirskogo naucnogo centra, (3), 108-110.

2. Sanadze AG, Kasatkina LF Clinical electromyography. - M .: GEOTAR-

Media, 2007. - 63 p.

Sanadze AG, Kasatkina LF (2007). Clinical electromyography [Klinicheskaja jelektromiografija], 63.

3. Yurlova OV, Filippov ES, Larionov, SN, AB Yakovlev, Mordovina NV

Matusow VV, Sysoev NI Congenital neuroinfection character intra-

postnatal complications // Topical questions of perinatal pathology:

Mater. IV International. Conf. - Irkutsk, 2003. - S. 162-165.

Yurlova OV, Filippov ES, Larionov SN, Yakovlev AB, Mordovina NV, Matusova VV, Sysoeva NI (2003). Congenital neuroinfection, character of intra-postnatal complications [Vrozhdennaja nejroinfekcija, harakter intra-postnatal'nyh oslozhnenij]. Aktual'nye voprosy perinatal'noj patologii: Materialy IV mezhdunarodnoj konferencii, 162-165.

Note: none of the international standards for bibliographic records do not use separators are used in the Russian guests ("//" and "-"). The name of the source and the output is separated from the title of the article authors and font type, usually in italics point or a comma. Between the initials of the author's punctuation marks (points) should be put.

On the Internet there are free programs to create bibliographic descriptions in the Latin alphabet (http: //www.easybib/com, http://www.bibme.org et al.). Descriptions can be created for different types of publications. Information about authors

Last name, first name of the first author is fully - academic degree, academic rank of the author; office, address of the organization (including zip code), telephone number and e-mail.

Data Translation into English. Last name, first name of the second full - academic degree, academic rank of the author; office, address of the organization (including zip code), telephone number and e-mail

Data Translation into English.


Information is provided on all authors works !!!

By putting his signature to the article, the author thereby transfer the rights to the publication and translation of his article, the editorial board. Author ensures that the original article; no statues or paintings to it have not been published in other publications.



Redakcionnaya etika nauchno-prakticheskogo zhurnala Acta biomedica scientifica

 Osnovnoy zadachey redakcii yavlyaetsya rasprostranenie nakoplennyh znaniy i rezul'tatov provedennyh issledovaniy. Redakciya priderzhivaetsya neytral'noy pozicii po vsem problemam, opublikovannym v zhurnale. Opublikovannaya informaciya sluzhit pochvoy dlya dal'neyshih diskussiy.

Polozhenie o principah redakcionnoy etiki razrabotano v sootvetstvii s mezhdunarodnymi  eticheskimi pravilami nauchnyh publikaciy: Code of conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors – Committee on Publication Ethics; Publishing Ethics, Publishing Ethics Resource Kit – Elsevier i Kodeksa etiki nauchnyh publikaciy Nekomercheskogo partnerstva «Komitet po etiki nauchnyh publikaciy» http://publicet.org/code.

Principy redakcionnoy etiki odobreny i prinyaty k ispolneniyu uchreditelyami zhurnala i chlenami redakcionnoy kollegii.

Redakciya neset otvetstvennost' za soblyudenie principov, propisannyh v dannom polozhenii

Glavnyy redaktor i chleny redkollegii zhurnala  mogut vnosit' na rassmotrenie red. kollegii predlozheniya po dopolneniyu ili izmeneniyu principov redakcionnoy etiki.

1. Eticheskie trebovaniya

Obyazannosti redakcii

  • Deystvovat' ob'ektivno i spravedlivo pri vypolnenii svoih obyazannostey, bez diskriminacii po polovomu priznaku, seksual'noy orientacii, religioznym ili politicheskim ubezhdeniyam, etnicheskoy prinadlezhnosti ili geograficheskomu proishozhdeniyu avtorov.
  • Vse podavaemye stat'i dolzhny byt' ob'ektivno oceneny s tochki zreniya ih nauchnoy znachimosti bez kakogo-libo kommercheskogo vliyaniya.
  • Vse zhaloby i protivorechiya dolzhny rassmatrivat'sya v sootvetstvii s politikoy nauchnogo obschestva. Neobhodimo dat' avtoru vozmozhnost' otvetit' na lyubye zhaloby i obosnovat' imeyuschiesya protivorechiya. Vse zhaloby dolzhny byt' rassmotreny nezavisimo ot togo, kogda byla odobrena publikaciya. Vsya dokumentaciya, tak ili inache svyazannaya s zhalobami, dolzhna byt' sohranena.

Obyazannosti recenzenta

  • Chtoby vnesti svoy vklad v process prinyatiya resheniya po povodu celesoobraznosti publikacii stat'i i dlya okazaniya pomoschi v uluchshenii kachestva stat'i, recenzent dolzhen deystvovat' ob'ektivno i svoevremenno.
  • Neobhodimo soblyudat' konfidencial'nost' v otnoshenii lyuboy informacii, predostavlennoy redakciey ili avtorom. Recenzent ne dolzhen ostavlyat' sebe kopiyu stat'i.
  • Neobhodimo predupredit' redakciyu o materialah, opublikovannyh ranee v dannom ili drugom izdanii, pri ih nalichii.
  • Recenzent obyazan predupredit' redakciyu i, esli neobhodimo, peredat' stat'yu drugomu recenzentu, v sluchae potencial'nogo konflikta interesov (finansovyh, organizacionnyh ili drugih otnosheniy mezhdu recenzentom i avtorom).
  • V svoey rabote recenzent rukovodstvuetsya «Singapurskim polozheniem o celostnosti issledovatel'skoy raboty» (2010).

Otvetstvennost' redakciy pered recenzentami

  • redakciya obespechivaet  recenzentov rukovodstvami po oformleniyu zaklyucheniy po publikaciyam i spiskom voprosov, na kotorye dolzhen otvetit' recenzent v processe recenzirovaniya stat'i;
  • redakciya obespechivaet konfidencial'nost' recenzenta;
  • informaciya o pravilah oformleniya zaklyucheniy recenzentov propisana v procedure recenzirovaniya, opublikovannoy na sayte zhurnala;
  • redakcii obespechivayut ob'ektivnost' i nepredvzyatost' raboty recenzentov, svoevremenno vyyavlyaya sluchai narusheniy i predprinimaya mery po ih ustraneniyu;
  • redakciya oformlyaet zaklyuchenie o prinyatii ili otklonenii stat'i, osnovyvayas' na zaklyuchenii recenzentov;
  • v redakcii ne prinyata otkrytaya sistema recenzirovaniya, redakciya obespechivayut anonimnost' lichnostey recenzentov. 

 Prava i otvetstvennost' avtorov

  • podavaya zayavku na publikaciyu stat'i v zhurnal Acta biomedica scientifica, avtory podtverzhdayut, chto publikaciya oformlena v sootvetstvii s trebovaniyami k oformleniyu statey, opublikovannymi na sayte zhurnala po ssylke http://byulleten.com/pravila-oformleniya-statej-v-zhurnal-byulleten-vsnts-so-ramn;
  • avtory dolzhny soblyudat' zakonodatel'stvo Rossiyskoy Federacii;
  • avtor (ili kollektiv avtorov) osoznaet, chto neset personal'nuyu otvetstvennost' za noviznu i dostovernost' rezul'tatov nauchnogo issledovaniya, chto predpolagaet soblyudenie sleduyuschih principov:

— avtory stat'i dolzhny predostavlyat' dostovernye rezul'taty provedennyh issledovaniy. Zavedomo oshibochnye ili sfal'sificirovannye utverzhdeniya nepriemlemy;

— avtory dolzhny garantirovat', chto rezul'taty issledovaniya, izlozhennye v predostavlennoy rukopisi, polnost'yu original'ny. Zaimstvovannye fragmenty ili utverzhdeniya dolzhny byt' oformleny s obyazatel'nym ukazaniem avtora i pervoistochnika. Chrezmernye zaimstvovaniya, a takzhe plagiat v lyubyh formah, vklyuchaya neoformlennye citaty, perefrazirovanie ili prisvoenie prav na rezul'taty chuzhih issledovaniy, neetichny i nepriemlemy i mogut byt' osnovaniem dlya otkloneniya rukopisi ot publikacii;

— avtor polnost'yu beret na sebya otvetstvennost' za vozmozhnyy plagiat teksta, risunkov i dr. Lyuboe narushenie avtorskih prav budet rassmotreno soglasno algoritmu COPE.

—    neobhodimo priznavat' vklad vseh lic, tak ili inache povliyavshih na hod issledovaniya, v chastnosti, v stat'e dolzhny byt' predstavleny ssylki na raboty, kotorye imeli znachenie pri provedenii issledovaniya;

—    avtory ne dolzhny predostavlyat' v zhurnal rukopis', kotoraya byla otpravlena v drugoy zhurnal i nahoditsya na rassmotrenii, a takzhe stat'yu, uzhe opublikovannuyu v drugom zhurnale;

— coavtorami stat'i dolzhny byt' ukazany vse lica, vnesshie suschestvennyy vklad v provedenie issledovaniya. Sredi soavtorov nedopustimo ukazyvat' lic, ne uchastvovavshih v issledovanii;

  • esli avtor obnaruzhit suschestvennye oshibki ili netochnosti v stat'e na etape ee rassmotreniya ili posle ee opublikovaniya, on dolzhen kak mozhno skoree uvedomit' ob etom redakciyu zhurnala;
  • avtory dolzhny ponimat', chto stat'ya mozhet byt' otklonena, v sluchae esli obnaruzheny sleduyuschie fakty:

— oformlenie stat'i ne sootvetstvuet trebovaniyam k oformleniyu statey, opublikovannym na sayte zhurnala Acta biomedica scientifica;

— otkaz avtora sledovat' rekomendaciyam redakcii po ustraneniyu oshibok v oformlenii stat'i;

— imeetsya fakt narusheniya principov Hel'sinkskoy deklaracii ob eticheskih principah medicinskih issledovaniy, utverzhdennoy Vsemirnoy medicinskoy associaciey;

— otsutstvuet zaklyuchenie eticheskogo komiteta po issledovaniyu, rezul'taty kotorogo soderzhatsya v stat'e;

—  v stat'e soderzhitsya plagiat ili lozhnye dannye;

— rezul'taty issledovaniya uzhe opublikovany v drugom izdanii.

  • avtory obyazany predostavlyat' informaciyu o kommercheskih organizaciyah, podderzhavshih issledovanie ili publikaciyu, dlya razmescheniya v zhurnale i o lyubyh drugih konfliktah interesov, kotorye mogut imet' vliyanie na soderzhanie rukopisi;
  • avtory imeyut pravo na apellyaciyu resheniya redakcii otnositel'no publikacii soglasno mehanizmu apellyacii, razmeschennomu na sayte zhurnala «Acta Biomedica Scientifica».
  • avtor neset otvetstvennost' za soblyudenie Hel'sinkskoy deklaracii ob eticheskih principah medicinskih issledovaniy, utverzhdennoy Vsemirnoy medicinskoy associaciey (VMA) v 1964 godu i peresmotrennoy na 64 s'ezde General'noy assamblei VMA v 2013 godu http://www.wma.net/en/30publications/10policies/b3/index.html;   Evropeyskoy konvencii o zaschite Pozvonochnyh zhivotnyh, ispol'zuemyh v eksperimentah i v drugih nauchnyh celyah (ETS № 123)), Strasburg, 18 marta 1986 goda (European Convention for the protection of Vertebrate animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes (ETS №123) i prinyatyh na osnove etogo dokumenta normativnyh aktah EAES i Rossii;
  • avtor dolzhen poluchit' razreshenie na publikaciyu ot cheloveka (lyudey), prinimavshih  uchastie v issledovanii, i soblyudat' konfidencial'nost'.
  • Pri identifikacii znachitel'noy oshibki v publikacii, avtor obyazan nezamedlitel'no soobschit' ob etom redaktoru. Na protyazhenii vsego processa publikacii avtor obyazan sotrudnichat' s redakciey, dobavlyaya, ubavlyaya i ispravlyaya stat'yu v sluchae neobhodimosti

Otvetstvennost' redakciy pered organizaciyami, sponsiruyuschimi issledovaniya i publikacii

  • redakciya obyazuyutsya publikovat' informaciyu o kommercheskih organizaciyah, podderzhavshih issledovanie ili publikaciyu.

2. Procedura rassmotreniya otkloneniy ot ustanovlennyh eticheskih norm

Dlya razresheniya voprosov i zhalob, svyazannyh s vozmozhnymi narusheniyami principov redakcionnoy etiki, v redakcii sozdaetsya komissiya. Predsedatel' i chleny komissii vybirayutsya iz chisla chlenov redkollegii i Redsoveta  zhurnala putem golosovaniya chlenov redakcii. Sostav, poryadok raboty komissii i kontakty lica, v adres kotorogo napravlyayutsya zhaloby, razmeschayutsya na sayte zhurnala .

Komissiya rassmatrivaet zhaloby avtorov, chitateley, recenzentov, redaktorov

Identifikaciya otkloneniya ot eticheskih norm

  • Nepravomernoe ili neetichnoe povedenie mozhet byt' identificirovano i dovedeno do svedeniya glavnogo redaktora i izdatelya na lyubom etape publikacionnogo processa.
  • Tot, kto informiruet redaktora ili izdatel'stvo ob otkloneniyah ot eticheskih norm, dolzhen predstavit' dostatochnoe kolichestvo informacii i dokazatel'stv. Vse zayavleniya i obrascheniya budut prinyaty, rassmotreny i obrabotany.


  • Reshenie o provedenii rassledovaniya prinimaet redaktor, kotoryy v sluchae neobhodimosti mozhet obratit'sya za pomosch'yu k izdatelyu.
  • Neobhodimo sobrat' dokazatel'stva, izbegaya pri etom lyubyh obvineniy.

Neznachitel'nye otkloneniya ot eticheskih norm

Rassmotreniya neznachitel'nyh otkloneniy ne nuzhdayutsya v konsul'tacii bol'shogo kolichestva specialistov, i v lyubom sluchae avtoru neobhodimo predostavit' vozmozhnost' otveta na lyubye obvineniya.

Ser'eznye otkloneniya ot eticheskih norm

Pri ser'eznyh otkloneniyah neobhodimo uvedomit' rabotodatelya obvinyaemogo. Redaktor sovmestno s izdatelem ili nauchnym obschestvom prinimayut reshenie o neobhodimosti privlechenii rabotodatelya, libo rassledovanie provoditsya putem izucheniya imeyuschihsya dannyh, konsul'tiruyas' s ogranichennym chislom ekspertov.

Posledstviya (v poryadke vozrastaniya otkloneniy; mogut primenyat'sya otdel'no ili v sochetanii)

  • Ukazanie avtoru ili recenzentu na otkloneniya.
  • Oficial'noe pis'mo avtoru ili recenzentu s ukazaniem na otkloneniya s cel'yu predupredit' otkloneniya ot eticheskih norm v ego posleduyuschih stat'yah.
  • Publikaciya oficial'nogo preduprezhdeniya s podrobnym opisaniem otkloneniy.
  • Publikaciya stat'i s detalizaciey otkloneniy.
  • Oficial'noe pis'mo rukovoditelyu avtora, recenzentu ili v otdel finansirovaniya.
  • Oficial'nyy otkaz v publikacii, a takzhe oficial'noe uvedomlenie rukovoditelya avtora, otdela recenzirovaniya, agentstva po indeksirovaniyu i referirovaniyu i chitateley izdaniya.
  • Zapret na publikaciyu dannogo avtora na opredelennyy period vremeni.

3. Deklaraciya o privatnosti

Svedeniya ob avtorah (familiya, imya, otchestvo, nazvanie affilirovannoy organizacii, adres organizacii, adres elektronnoy pochty, telefon dlya svyazi chitateley s avtorom), predostavlyaemye imi dlya publikacii v zhurnale, stanovyatsya dostupnymi dlya neopredelennogo kruga lic, na chto avtory dayut pis'mennoe soglasie faktom podpisaniya sootvetstvuyuschego zayavleniya, soderzhaschegosya v Licenzionnom dogovore, predostavlyaemogo v sostave soprovoditel'nyh dokumentov k stat'e v redakciyu (blank Dogovora razmeschen na sayte). Publikaciya ukazannyh svedeniy osuschestvlyaetsya v interesah avtorov s cel'yu polnogo i korrektnogo ucheta publikaciy i ih citirovaniya sootvetstvuyuschimi bibliografiruyuschimi organizaciyami i obespecheniya vozmozhnosti kontaktov avtorov s nauchnym soobschestvom.

Lichnaya informaciya, predostavlyaemaya avtorami zhurnalu pomimo perechislennyh vyshe svedeniy, vklyuchaya dopolnitel'nye adresa elektronnoy pochty i nomera telefonov, budet ispol'zovat'sya isklyuchitel'no dlya kontaktov s avtorami v processe podgotovki stat'i k publikacii. Redkollegiya obyazuetsya ne peredavat' dannuyu lichnuyu informaciyu tret'im licam, kotorye mogut ispol'zovat' ee v inyh celyah.


Publishing procedure

Articles sent to the address: sikol@sbamsr.irk.ru. The date of receipt of the article is the time of receipt of the final (processed) version of the article.

Rules review of manuscripts

All submitted works are reviewed by experts in the field corresponding to the profile of the received article. If necessary scientific review carried out with the participation of several specialists. As a result of the review authors and reviewers' comments are sent to request that corrections work. After correcting the work reviewed again when the author does not agree with the opinion of the reviewer - are sent for review by independent experts. The results of the review are discussed at meetings of the editorial board, where the final decision about the publication of the work. Reviews must be submitted manuscripts and authors on request expert advice in the WAC.

Copyright & Disclaimer

The editorial board is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the authors. Author, sending the manuscript to the Editorial Board, the Editorial Board requests the disclosure thereof by means of its publication in the press.

Author, sending the manuscript to the editorial board, agreed that the Editorial Board of the transfer of the exclusive property rights to the use of the manuscript (transferred to the journal material, including such objects protected by copyright as author photos, drawings, diagrams, tables, etc. .), including play in the press and the Internet; to distribute; Translation manuscripts (materials) in all languages of the peoples of the world; Export and import of copies of the magazine article author in order to spread, for refining of communication to the public. The above rights Author Editorial Board sends without limitation of their actions and in all countries of the world without restriction, including on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The Editorial Board has the right to assign the rights from the author to third parties and has the right to prohibit third parties from any use of the materials published in the magazine. The author guarantees that he has exclusive rights to use the transferred material the Editorial Board. In the event of a breach of this warranty and presented in connection with these claims to the author of the Editorial Board at his own expense agrees to settle all claims.

The Editorial Board is not liable to third parties for breach of these warranties author. The author shall retain the right to use its published material, fragments and pieces for personal, including scientists, educators and purposes. The rights to the manuscript authors Editorial board considered transferred from the moment of the signing of the print issue of the journal in which it is published. The reprint of the materials published in the journal, other individuals and legal entities is possible only with the written consent of the Editorial Board, with the obligatory indication of the number of the journal (year of publication), in which the material was published.

Terms of publishing

Publication of the article and was paid in 2015, 2300 rubles (up to 8 pages inclusive) above - is subject to charge 150 rubles for each page. Free publication of an article is available to graduate students, post-graduate student if the sole author of a scientific article.

In accordance with Part 4 of the Civil Code article accompanied by a license agreement signed by each author. Without this document, the article does not address.

Content items are not provided. The magazine can be obtained only by subscription.

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Scientific Centre for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems , Scientific Centre for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems
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Rules for authors

These rules are based on the requirements of the Civil Code, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Copyright and Related Rights" dated 09.07.1993 № 5351-1 was amended on 19 July 1995 and 20 July 2004 of the RF Law "On media "from 27.12.1991, the № 2124-1 with subsequent amendments, the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation and regulate the relationship between publishers in the face of the editorial board of the" Bulletin ESSC SB RAMS ", hereinafter referred to as" editorial board ", and the author, transmits its an article for publication in the journal, hereinafter referred to as "Author".

The editorial board of the "Bulletin ESSC SB RAMS» Please note the following instructions for the preparation of manuscripts for publication.

"Bulletin of ESSC SB RAMS" publishes articles on biomedical science and practical public health, as well as related issues.

The journal publishes reviews, original articles, reports from practice, lectures and informational messages. All submissions are reviewed and discussed by the editorial board.

The journal welcomes articles from authors mostly familiar with editorial policy and showing knowledge of the articles published in the journal.

Papers should be submitted to the editors in electronic form in a text editor Microsoft Word (font Times New Roman 12 pt, line spacing "bastard", margins: left - 30 mm, right - 10 mm, top and bottom - every least 20 mm), together with scanned cover letter sending organization, which are signed by all the authors, and, where appropriate, expert opinion. You can not be sent to the editorial work, printed in other publications, or sent to other publications. Articles sent to the address: sikol@sbamsr.irk.ru. The date of receipt of the article is the time of receipt of the final (processed) version of the article.

Sample of the manuscript see. Sites http://byulleten.com; http://www.scrrs.ru/byulleten vsnts so ramn.

Tables should be no more than 3-4. In constructing the table all the items necessary to provide a separate line. The letters of the Greek alphabet in the printed version of the paper should be underlined in red.

Illustrations performed in graphic editors as clear black and white file format * .tif, * .jpg with a resolution of at least 300x300 dpi. If you need to print in color format, this is indicated in the application.

Drawings should be made compact in order to save space. Most suitable for typographic reproduction paintings width of one column (8 cm), two columns (16.5 cm) or the full list (16,5h22 cm). The drawings must be submitted in separate files.

Graphs and charts should be submitted as separate files in the programs in which they were built (Excel, Statistica, StatGraph etc.).

On the paper attached information about all authors (surname, first name, title, academic degree, title, full postal address, office phone (mobile phone needs only to contact one of the authors of the article in case of any revisions in the article - the magazine he not indicated), e-mail address with the transfer of all data into English.

The first page includes: UDC, initials and names of authors, title of the article, the full name of the institution (with reference to the author) indicating the status of the organization (an acronym before the title), departmental affiliation, mailing address, name of and e-mail address of the author responsible for correspondence, as well as the summary.

The summary should reflect the purpose, methods, results of the study. Volume summary of 400 to 500 characters. Be sure to indicate in the summary of the most important numerical data reflecting the main achievements of the work, and provides statistical tests to prove their importance. Summary completed "keywords" (3 to 10) to facilitate indexing of articles in information retrieval systems.

English summary is intended to serve as an independent source of information from the article. It should be:

  • informative (not contain common words);
  • The original (not be a carbon copy of the Russian language summaries);
  • The substantive (reflecting the main content of the article and research). The text should be concise and beads, free from background information, are solid formulations.
  • Structured (follow the logic description of the results in the article);
  • «English language" (writing quality English language);
  • Compact (stowed in the amount of 100 to 250 words).

When translated into English, consider the following:

  • The names of the authors of the articles submitted in one of the accepted international system of transliteration (website http: /www.translit.ru);
  • Titles of scientific articles should be informative. They can only use standard abbreviations, should not be untranslatable slang known only to Russian-speaking specialists, no transliteration from the Russian language but untranslatable names of instruments and other objects that have their own names;
  • The translation of the names of institutions using the conventional transfer of the official version, without abbreviations, the name of the organization.

Typically, the amount of original articles - 8 pages of scientific literature review - 12¬15 pages, short communications - 1.5 page.

The structure of the original article: Introduction - formulated the purpose and need for the study, summarizes the state of the question referring to the most significant publications; Materials and methods - quantitative and qualitative characteristics surveyed (research subjects), and also referred to all the research methods that were used in the work, including statistical analysis. Research methods should be described very clearly, so that it can easily be reproduced.

It should indicate whether the given numerical values derived from primary or lead limits of accuracy, reliability, confidence intervals, evaluations, recommendations adopted or rejected the hypothesis discussed in the article.

The results should be presented in a logical sequence in the text, tables, and figures. The discussion highlighted the new and important aspects of the results of the study can be included based recommendations and a brief conclusion.

If an article contains descriptions of experiments involving human / people, authors should indicate whether they are in accordance with the ethical standards of the committee responsible for experiments involving human / human (national or local) and the Helsinki Declaration of 1975 and its revised version of 2008 .

When submitting print experimental work involving animals should be guided by the "Rules of work with experimental animals." In addition to the species, sex and number of animals used, the authors must indicate applied during painful procedures, pain management techniques and methods of killing animals that you meet the requirements of national leadership and governance institutions on the content and use of laboratory animals.

All terms and definitions must be scientifically valid, their writing (both Russian and Latin) must comply with "encyclopedic dictionary of medical terms" (in 3 volumes ed., Acad. Boris Petrovsky).

Drugs should be given only in the international nonproprietary names, which are used first, and then, if necessary, are some trade names of drugs registered in Russia (according to the information retrieval system "KlifarGosreestr" [State Register of Medicinal Products]).

It is desirable that the writing of registers to meet the standards Enzeme Classifi-cation.

Name of microorganisms must be verified in accordance with the "Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms" (in 3 volumes ed., Acad. Boris Petrovsky) or the publication "Medical Microbiology" (ed. V. Petrovsky).

The manuscript may be accompanied by a glossary of terms (vague, can cause difficulties in reading readers).

Aside from common abbreviations of units changes, physical, chemical and mathematical values and terms (such as DNA) allowed abbreviations phrases often repeated in the text. All abbreviations are deciphered at the first mention in the text.

The doses of drugs, units, and other numerical values must be specified in the SI system.

Captions and photos are grouped together and are given on a separate sheet. Each figure should have a title and a transcript of all the cuts. The captions refer to the graphs indicate the axes of abscissa and ordinate units, explanations are provided for each curve. Captions to microphotographs indicate staining method and magnification.

Abbreviations in the tables are not allowed. All figures in the tables must correspond to figures in the text.


References (References, References) is printed on a separate sheet, drawn up in alphabetical order. First, are the works of local authors, then foreign. The text of the article bibliographic references are indicated by Arabic numerals in square brackets, according to the numbering in the bibliography.

Literature is described as follows:

The authors, article title and source output is in Russian. Then, the (transliteration), translated title of the article into English, the name of the article in the transliterated version in brackets, the name of the source (transliteration), the output with the notation in the English language.

It is recommended that the original papers cite no more than 15, and in reviews - up to 50 sources. The article should be written correctly, text, tables, and other materials carefully checked. Manuscripts not in accordance with these rules will not be accepted. The magazine does not publish reviews on the published works of authors.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to shorten and edit articles.

The date of receipt of an article in the journal shall be the date of receipt edited the final text.

Rules review of manuscripts

All submitted works are reviewed by experts in the field corresponding to the profile of the received article. If necessary scientific review carried out with the participation of several specialists. As a result of the review authors and reviewers' comments are sent to request that corrections work. After correcting the work reviewed again when the author does not agree with the opinion of the reviewer - are sent for review by independent experts. The results of the review are discussed at meetings of the editorial board, where the final decision about the publication of the work. Reviews must be submitted manuscripts and authors on request expert advice in the WAC.

Copyright & Disclaimer

The editorial board is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the authors. Author, sending the manuscript to the Editorial Board, the Editorial Board requests the disclosure thereof by means of its publication in the press.

Author, sending the manuscript to the editorial board, agreed that the Editorial Board of the transfer of the exclusive property rights to the use of the manuscript (transferred to the journal material, including such objects protected by copyright as author photos, drawings, diagrams, tables, etc. .), including play in the press and the Internet; to distribute; Translation manuscripts (materials) in all languages of the peoples of the world; Export and import of copies of the magazine article author in order to spread, for refining of communication to the public. The above rights Author Editorial Board sends without limitation of their actions and in all countries of the world without restriction, including on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The Editorial Board has the right to assign the rights from the author to third parties and has the right to prohibit third parties from any use of the materials published in the magazine. The author guarantees that he has exclusive rights to use the transferred material the Editorial Board. In the event of a breach of this warranty and presented in connection with these claims to the author of the Editorial Board at his own expense agrees to settle all claims.

The Editorial Board is not liable to third parties for breach of these warranties author. The author shall retain the right to use its published material, fragments and pieces for personal, including scientists, educators and purposes. The rights to the manuscript authors Editorial board considered transferred from the moment of the signing of the print issue of the journal in which it is published. The reprint of the materials published in the journal, other individuals and legal entities is possible only with the written consent of the Editorial Board, with the obligatory indication of the number of the journal (year of publication), in which the material was published.

Terms of publishing

Publication of the article and was paid in 2015, 2300 rubles (up to 8 pages inclusive) above - is subject to charge 150 rubles for each page. Free publication of an article is available to graduate students, post-graduate student if the sole author of a scientific article.

In accordance with Part 4 of the Civil Code article accompanied by a license agreement signed by each author. Without this document, the article does not address.

Content items are not provided. The magazine can be obtained only by subscription.

Sample of the manuscript



Acting Last name, initials Surname TITLE OF THE ARTICLE

1 Name of institution, address, city, country

2 Name of the second institution, address, city, country

Last name, first name, E-mail the author responsible for correspondence


Text resume

Keywords: words, words, words.


Acting Last name in English, IO Last English TITLE OF THE ARTICLE IN ENGLISH 1 Name of institution in English 2 Name of the second institution in English


The text summary in English

Key words: words in the English words in English. The text of the introduction, description of the relevance of the topic. Objective: Materials and Methods

Description of materials and methods.

Ethical review. Procedures of voluntary informed consent to participate in research or compliance to experiments on animals.

The method of presenting the results of the study. Description of the method of statistical research.

Results and discussion

Description of the results indicating the statistical significance of the data and discussion of the results in comparison with the literature data.

The table name

Total I 208,2 ± 2,3 | 255,6 ± 5,5


References References

1. Kashafeeva AA Hyshiktuev BS, Gaymolenko SG Smekalov VP

Morphometric parameters in rats with inflammation of the peritoneum and after the local

exposure to the sodium hypochlorite concentration varying //

Bulletin ESSC SB RAMS. - 2011. - № 3. - S. 108-110.

Kashafeeva AA, Khishiktuev BS, Gaimolenko SG, Smekalov VP (2011). Morphomet-ric parameters of rats 'peritoneum during the inflammation and after the local impact on it by sodium hypochlorite solution of different concentrations [Morfometritseskie paramepry bryushyny krys pri vospalenii i posle mestnogo vosdeystviya na nee rastvorom gipokhlorida natriya raznoi kontsentratsii] .Bulleten' Vostocno-Sibirskogo naucnogo centra, (3), 108-110.

2. Sanadze AG, Kasatkina LF Clinical electromyography. - M .: GEOTAR-

Media, 2007. - 63 p.

Sanadze AG, Kasatkina LF (2007). Clinical electromyography [Klinicheskaja jelektromiografija], 63.

3. Yurlova OV, Filippov ES, Larionov, SN, AB Yakovlev, Mordovina NV

Matusow VV, Sysoev NI Congenital neuroinfection character intra-

postnatal complications // Topical questions of perinatal pathology:

Mater. IV International. Conf. - Irkutsk, 2003. - S. 162-165.

Yurlova OV, Filippov ES, Larionov SN, Yakovlev AB, Mordovina NV, Matusova VV, Sysoeva NI (2003). Congenital neuroinfection, character of intra-postnatal complications [Vrozhdennaja nejroinfekcija, harakter intra-postnatal'nyh oslozhnenij]. Aktual'nye voprosy perinatal'noj patologii: Materialy IV mezhdunarodnoj konferencii, 162-165.

Note: none of the international standards for bibliographic records do not use separators are used in the Russian guests ("//" and "-"). The name of the source and the output is separated from the title of the article authors and font type, usually in italics point or a comma. Between the initials of the author's punctuation marks (points) should be put.

On the Internet there are free programs to create bibliographic descriptions in the Latin alphabet (http: //www.easybib/com, http://www.bibme.org et al.). Descriptions can be created for different types of publications. Information about authors

Last name, first name of the first author is fully - academic degree, academic rank of the author; office, address of the organization (including zip code), telephone number and e-mail.

Data Translation into English. Last name, first name of the second full - academic degree, academic rank of the author; office, address of the organization (including zip code), telephone number and e-mail

Data Translation into English.


Information is provided on all authors works !!!

By putting his signature to the article, the author thereby transfer the rights to the publication and translation of his article, the editorial board. Author ensures that the original article; no statues or paintings to it have not been published in other publications.



Redakcionnaya etika nauchno-prakticheskogo zhurnala Acta biomedica scientifica

 Osnovnoy zadachey redakcii yavlyaetsya rasprostranenie nakoplennyh znaniy i rezul'tatov provedennyh issledovaniy. Redakciya priderzhivaetsya neytral'noy pozicii po vsem problemam, opublikovannym v zhurnale. Opublikovannaya informaciya sluzhit pochvoy dlya dal'neyshih diskussiy.

Polozhenie o principah redakcionnoy etiki razrabotano v sootvetstvii s mezhdunarodnymi  eticheskimi pravilami nauchnyh publikaciy: Code of conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors – Committee on Publication Ethics; Publishing Ethics, Publishing Ethics Resource Kit – Elsevier i Kodeksa etiki nauchnyh publikaciy Nekomercheskogo partnerstva «Komitet po etiki nauchnyh publikaciy» http://publicet.org/code.

Principy redakcionnoy etiki odobreny i prinyaty k ispolneniyu uchreditelyami zhurnala i chlenami redakcionnoy kollegii.

Redakciya neset otvetstvennost' za soblyudenie principov, propisannyh v dannom polozhenii

Glavnyy redaktor i chleny redkollegii zhurnala  mogut vnosit' na rassmotrenie red. kollegii predlozheniya po dopolneniyu ili izmeneniyu principov redakcionnoy etiki.

1. Eticheskie trebovaniya

Obyazannosti redakcii

  • Deystvovat' ob'ektivno i spravedlivo pri vypolnenii svoih obyazannostey, bez diskriminacii po polovomu priznaku, seksual'noy orientacii, religioznym ili politicheskim ubezhdeniyam, etnicheskoy prinadlezhnosti ili geograficheskomu proishozhdeniyu avtorov.
  • Vse podavaemye stat'i dolzhny byt' ob'ektivno oceneny s tochki zreniya ih nauchnoy znachimosti bez kakogo-libo kommercheskogo vliyaniya.
  • Vse zhaloby i protivorechiya dolzhny rassmatrivat'sya v sootvetstvii s politikoy nauchnogo obschestva. Neobhodimo dat' avtoru vozmozhnost' otvetit' na lyubye zhaloby i obosnovat' imeyuschiesya protivorechiya. Vse zhaloby dolzhny byt' rassmotreny nezavisimo ot togo, kogda byla odobrena publikaciya. Vsya dokumentaciya, tak ili inache svyazannaya s zhalobami, dolzhna byt' sohranena.

Obyazannosti recenzenta

  • Chtoby vnesti svoy vklad v process prinyatiya resheniya po povodu celesoobraznosti publikacii stat'i i dlya okazaniya pomoschi v uluchshenii kachestva stat'i, recenzent dolzhen deystvovat' ob'ektivno i svoevremenno.
  • Neobhodimo soblyudat' konfidencial'nost' v otnoshenii lyuboy informacii, predostavlennoy redakciey ili avtorom. Recenzent ne dolzhen ostavlyat' sebe kopiyu stat'i.
  • Neobhodimo predupredit' redakciyu o materialah, opublikovannyh ranee v dannom ili drugom izdanii, pri ih nalichii.
  • Recenzent obyazan predupredit' redakciyu i, esli neobhodimo, peredat' stat'yu drugomu recenzentu, v sluchae potencial'nogo konflikta interesov (finansovyh, organizacionnyh ili drugih otnosheniy mezhdu recenzentom i avtorom).
  • V svoey rabote recenzent rukovodstvuetsya «Singapurskim polozheniem o celostnosti issledovatel'skoy raboty» (2010).

Otvetstvennost' redakciy pered recenzentami

  • redakciya obespechivaet  recenzentov rukovodstvami po oformleniyu zaklyucheniy po publikaciyam i spiskom voprosov, na kotorye dolzhen otvetit' recenzent v processe recenzirovaniya stat'i;
  • redakciya obespechivaet konfidencial'nost' recenzenta;
  • informaciya o pravilah oformleniya zaklyucheniy recenzentov propisana v procedure recenzirovaniya, opublikovannoy na sayte zhurnala;
  • redakcii obespechivayut ob'ektivnost' i nepredvzyatost' raboty recenzentov, svoevremenno vyyavlyaya sluchai narusheniy i predprinimaya mery po ih ustraneniyu;
  • redakciya oformlyaet zaklyuchenie o prinyatii ili otklonenii stat'i, osnovyvayas' na zaklyuchenii recenzentov;
  • v redakcii ne prinyata otkrytaya sistema recenzirovaniya, redakciya obespechivayut anonimnost' lichnostey recenzentov. 

 Prava i otvetstvennost' avtorov

  • podavaya zayavku na publikaciyu stat'i v zhurnal Acta biomedica scientifica, avtory podtverzhdayut, chto publikaciya oformlena v sootvetstvii s trebovaniyami k oformleniyu statey, opublikovannymi na sayte zhurnala po ssylke http://byulleten.com/pravila-oformleniya-statej-v-zhurnal-byulleten-vsnts-so-ramn;
  • avtory dolzhny soblyudat' zakonodatel'stvo Rossiyskoy Federacii;
  • avtor (ili kollektiv avtorov) osoznaet, chto neset personal'nuyu otvetstvennost' za noviznu i dostovernost' rezul'tatov nauchnogo issledovaniya, chto predpolagaet soblyudenie sleduyuschih principov:

— avtory stat'i dolzhny predostavlyat' dostovernye rezul'taty provedennyh issledovaniy. Zavedomo oshibochnye ili sfal'sificirovannye utverzhdeniya nepriemlemy;

— avtory dolzhny garantirovat', chto rezul'taty issledovaniya, izlozhennye v predostavlennoy rukopisi, polnost'yu original'ny. Zaimstvovannye fragmenty ili utverzhdeniya dolzhny byt' oformleny s obyazatel'nym ukazaniem avtora i pervoistochnika. Chrezmernye zaimstvovaniya, a takzhe plagiat v lyubyh formah, vklyuchaya neoformlennye citaty, perefrazirovanie ili prisvoenie prav na rezul'taty chuzhih issledovaniy, neetichny i nepriemlemy i mogut byt' osnovaniem dlya otkloneniya rukopisi ot publikacii;

— avtor polnost'yu beret na sebya otvetstvennost' za vozmozhnyy plagiat teksta, risunkov i dr. Lyuboe narushenie avtorskih prav budet rassmotreno soglasno algoritmu COPE.

—    neobhodimo priznavat' vklad vseh lic, tak ili inache povliyavshih na hod issledovaniya, v chastnosti, v stat'e dolzhny byt' predstavleny ssylki na raboty, kotorye imeli znachenie pri provedenii issledovaniya;

—    avtory ne dolzhny predostavlyat' v zhurnal rukopis', kotoraya byla otpravlena v drugoy zhurnal i nahoditsya na rassmotrenii, a takzhe stat'yu, uzhe opublikovannuyu v drugom zhurnale;

— coavtorami stat'i dolzhny byt' ukazany vse lica, vnesshie suschestvennyy vklad v provedenie issledovaniya. Sredi soavtorov nedopustimo ukazyvat' lic, ne uchastvovavshih v issledovanii;

  • esli avtor obnaruzhit suschestvennye oshibki ili netochnosti v stat'e na etape ee rassmotreniya ili posle ee opublikovaniya, on dolzhen kak mozhno skoree uvedomit' ob etom redakciyu zhurnala;
  • avtory dolzhny ponimat', chto stat'ya mozhet byt' otklonena, v sluchae esli obnaruzheny sleduyuschie fakty:

— oformlenie stat'i ne sootvetstvuet trebovaniyam k oformleniyu statey, opublikovannym na sayte zhurnala Acta biomedica scientifica;

— otkaz avtora sledovat' rekomendaciyam redakcii po ustraneniyu oshibok v oformlenii stat'i;

— imeetsya fakt narusheniya principov Hel'sinkskoy deklaracii ob eticheskih principah medicinskih issledovaniy, utverzhdennoy Vsemirnoy medicinskoy associaciey;

— otsutstvuet zaklyuchenie eticheskogo komiteta po issledovaniyu, rezul'taty kotorogo soderzhatsya v stat'e;

—  v stat'e soderzhitsya plagiat ili lozhnye dannye;

— rezul'taty issledovaniya uzhe opublikovany v drugom izdanii.

  • avtory obyazany predostavlyat' informaciyu o kommercheskih organizaciyah, podderzhavshih issledovanie ili publikaciyu, dlya razmescheniya v zhurnale i o lyubyh drugih konfliktah interesov, kotorye mogut imet' vliyanie na soderzhanie rukopisi;
  • avtory imeyut pravo na apellyaciyu resheniya redakcii otnositel'no publikacii soglasno mehanizmu apellyacii, razmeschennomu na sayte zhurnala «Acta Biomedica Scientifica».
  • avtor neset otvetstvennost' za soblyudenie Hel'sinkskoy deklaracii ob eticheskih principah medicinskih issledovaniy, utverzhdennoy Vsemirnoy medicinskoy associaciey (VMA) v 1964 godu i peresmotrennoy na 64 s'ezde General'noy assamblei VMA v 2013 godu http://www.wma.net/en/30publications/10policies/b3/index.html;   Evropeyskoy konvencii o zaschite Pozvonochnyh zhivotnyh, ispol'zuemyh v eksperimentah i v drugih nauchnyh celyah (ETS № 123)), Strasburg, 18 marta 1986 goda (European Convention for the protection of Vertebrate animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes (ETS №123) i prinyatyh na osnove etogo dokumenta normativnyh aktah EAES i Rossii;
  • avtor dolzhen poluchit' razreshenie na publikaciyu ot cheloveka (lyudey), prinimavshih  uchastie v issledovanii, i soblyudat' konfidencial'nost'.
  • Pri identifikacii znachitel'noy oshibki v publikacii, avtor obyazan nezamedlitel'no soobschit' ob etom redaktoru. Na protyazhenii vsego processa publikacii avtor obyazan sotrudnichat' s redakciey, dobavlyaya, ubavlyaya i ispravlyaya stat'yu v sluchae neobhodimosti

Otvetstvennost' redakciy pered organizaciyami, sponsiruyuschimi issledovaniya i publikacii

  • redakciya obyazuyutsya publikovat' informaciyu o kommercheskih organizaciyah, podderzhavshih issledovanie ili publikaciyu.

2. Procedura rassmotreniya otkloneniy ot ustanovlennyh eticheskih norm

Dlya razresheniya voprosov i zhalob, svyazannyh s vozmozhnymi narusheniyami principov redakcionnoy etiki, v redakcii sozdaetsya komissiya. Predsedatel' i chleny komissii vybirayutsya iz chisla chlenov redkollegii i Redsoveta  zhurnala putem golosovaniya chlenov redakcii. Sostav, poryadok raboty komissii i kontakty lica, v adres kotorogo napravlyayutsya zhaloby, razmeschayutsya na sayte zhurnala .

Komissiya rassmatrivaet zhaloby avtorov, chitateley, recenzentov, redaktorov

Identifikaciya otkloneniya ot eticheskih norm

  • Nepravomernoe ili neetichnoe povedenie mozhet byt' identificirovano i dovedeno do svedeniya glavnogo redaktora i izdatelya na lyubom etape publikacionnogo processa.
  • Tot, kto informiruet redaktora ili izdatel'stvo ob otkloneniyah ot eticheskih norm, dolzhen predstavit' dostatochnoe kolichestvo informacii i dokazatel'stv. Vse zayavleniya i obrascheniya budut prinyaty, rassmotreny i obrabotany.


  • Reshenie o provedenii rassledovaniya prinimaet redaktor, kotoryy v sluchae neobhodimosti mozhet obratit'sya za pomosch'yu k izdatelyu.
  • Neobhodimo sobrat' dokazatel'stva, izbegaya pri etom lyubyh obvineniy.

Neznachitel'nye otkloneniya ot eticheskih norm

Rassmotreniya neznachitel'nyh otkloneniy ne nuzhdayutsya v konsul'tacii bol'shogo kolichestva specialistov, i v lyubom sluchae avtoru neobhodimo predostavit' vozmozhnost' otveta na lyubye obvineniya.

Ser'eznye otkloneniya ot eticheskih norm

Pri ser'eznyh otkloneniyah neobhodimo uvedomit' rabotodatelya obvinyaemogo. Redaktor sovmestno s izdatelem ili nauchnym obschestvom prinimayut reshenie o neobhodimosti privlechenii rabotodatelya, libo rassledovanie provoditsya putem izucheniya imeyuschihsya dannyh, konsul'tiruyas' s ogranichennym chislom ekspertov.

Posledstviya (v poryadke vozrastaniya otkloneniy; mogut primenyat'sya otdel'no ili v sochetanii)

  • Ukazanie avtoru ili recenzentu na otkloneniya.
  • Oficial'noe pis'mo avtoru ili recenzentu s ukazaniem na otkloneniya s cel'yu predupredit' otkloneniya ot eticheskih norm v ego posleduyuschih stat'yah.
  • Publikaciya oficial'nogo preduprezhdeniya s podrobnym opisaniem otkloneniy.
  • Publikaciya stat'i s detalizaciey otkloneniy.
  • Oficial'noe pis'mo rukovoditelyu avtora, recenzentu ili v otdel finansirovaniya.
  • Oficial'nyy otkaz v publikacii, a takzhe oficial'noe uvedomlenie rukovoditelya avtora, otdela recenzirovaniya, agentstva po indeksirovaniyu i referirovaniyu i chitateley izdaniya.
  • Zapret na publikaciyu dannogo avtora na opredelennyy period vremeni.

3. Deklaraciya o privatnosti

Svedeniya ob avtorah (familiya, imya, otchestvo, nazvanie affilirovannoy organizacii, adres organizacii, adres elektronnoy pochty, telefon dlya svyazi chitateley s avtorom), predostavlyaemye imi dlya publikacii v zhurnale, stanovyatsya dostupnymi dlya neopredelennogo kruga lic, na chto avtory dayut pis'mennoe soglasie faktom podpisaniya sootvetstvuyuschego zayavleniya, soderzhaschegosya v Licenzionnom dogovore, predostavlyaemogo v sostave soprovoditel'nyh dokumentov k stat'e v redakciyu (blank Dogovora razmeschen na sayte). Publikaciya ukazannyh svedeniy osuschestvlyaetsya v interesah avtorov s cel'yu polnogo i korrektnogo ucheta publikaciy i ih citirovaniya sootvetstvuyuschimi bibliografiruyuschimi organizaciyami i obespecheniya vozmozhnosti kontaktov avtorov s nauchnym soobschestvom.

Lichnaya informaciya, predostavlyaemaya avtorami zhurnalu pomimo perechislennyh vyshe svedeniy, vklyuchaya dopolnitel'nye adresa elektronnoy pochty i nomera telefonov, budet ispol'zovat'sya isklyuchitel'no dlya kontaktov s avtorami v processe podgotovki stat'i k publikacii. Redkollegiya obyazuetsya ne peredavat' dannuyu lichnuyu informaciyu tret'im licam, kotorye mogut ispol'zovat' ee v inyh celyah.


Publishing procedure

Articles sent to the address: sikol@sbamsr.irk.ru. The date of receipt of the article is the time of receipt of the final (processed) version of the article.

Rules review of manuscripts

All submitted works are reviewed by experts in the field corresponding to the profile of the received article. If necessary scientific review carried out with the participation of several specialists. As a result of the review authors and reviewers' comments are sent to request that corrections work. After correcting the work reviewed again when the author does not agree with the opinion of the reviewer - are sent for review by independent experts. The results of the review are discussed at meetings of the editorial board, where the final decision about the publication of the work. Reviews must be submitted manuscripts and authors on request expert advice in the WAC.

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                        Tsibikdorzhiev Bair
Tsibikdorzhiev Bair N.A. Semashko Republic Clinical Hospital (Thoracic Surgery Unit, Head)

                        Tsyslyak Elena
Tsyslyak Elena Irkutsk Scientific Center of Surgery and Traumatology (Clinical Research Department of Neurosurgery, Research Officer)

                        Qiao Guangda
Qiao Guangda Irkutsk Scientific Center of Surgery and Traumatology (Scientific Department of Experimental Medicine with Vivarium, Junior Research Officer)

                        Chemezova Natalia
Chemezova Natalia Scientific Centre for Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems (Laboratory of Epidemiologically and Socially Significant Infections, Senior Research Officer)
candidate of medical sciences

                        Chepurnaya Anna
Chepurnaya Anna Bashkirian State Medical University (Professor at the Department of General Medicine and General Practice)
candidate of medical sciences

                        Chepurnykh Elena
Chepurnykh Elena Irkutsk State Medical University (Assistant Professor at the Department of Hospital Surgery)
candidate of medical sciences

                        Cherkasova Alla
Cherkasova Alla Head Bureau of Medical and Social Assessment in the Irkutsk Region (Programmer)

                        Chechushkov Anton
Chechushkov Anton Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut eksperimental'noy i klinicheskoy mediciny (laboratoriya molekulyarnyh mehanizmov svobodnoradikal'nyh processov, nauchnyy sotrudnik)



BULLETIN of the East Siberian Scientific Center of the Academy of Medical Sciences

The journal "Bulletin of the East Siberian Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences» (Bulletin of the East Siberian Scientific Center SB RAMS) registered in the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media. Certificate of Registration Media - PI № 7-58651 from June 21, 2014

ISSN 1811-0649

The journal "Bulletin of the East Siberian Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences" ("Bulletin of ESSC SB RAMS") is included in the Patent Journal and database VINITI, RISC.

For information about the magazine published in international help for periodicals and serials «Ulrich's Periodicals Directory»,

Newsletter ESSC SB RAMS included in the "List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and periodicals in the Russian Federation, which shall be published basic scientific results of theses for the degree of candidate and doctoral degrees" in 2015.

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