Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
1998-8435 (print)
Russian science citation index:
Yes 435
Russian higher attestation Commission:

Article Design Rules for Russian Journal of Parasitologу

In the Russian Journal of Parasitologу are published scientific articles, reviews of fundamental and applied parasitology. The editorial staff recommends to comply with the following rules:

1. The article should be supplied with a short abstract in Russian and English languages.

2. The article should be accompanied by contact information of author (authors) whom the editorial staff will do correspondence and conduct negotiations with: author's first, last, middle name, his exact mailing address and telephone number (work, home, mobile).

3. The volume of the article cannot exceed 8 pages (1 page - up to 2000 characters), including tables, charts, graphs, photographs, figures and a list of literature. Pages should be numbered consecutively at the top center.

4. The article should be edited on computer in Word, on one side of a sheet A4, Kegl 14, single space between rows, margins - 2cm on both sides), placed in one file and saved under the name of the first author. The article should be send via email, a printed copy of the article should be mailed to the Editorial Staff to the mailing address: 117218, Moscow, B. Cheremushkinskaya, 28, All -Russian Scientific Research Institute of Helminthology named after K.I. Skryabin, or per Fax +7 (499) 124 56-55, email: journal@vniigis.ru

5. The article's structure should contain: purpose of the study, tasks, materials, methods and results of research, discussion, conclusions and bibliography. The International Unit System SI should be used by processing of experimental materials. By using numeric values the tenths are separated from the whole number by a comma instead a full stop. The abbreviations of words, names are allowed only if the full names are indicated.

6. Tables should be presented as generalized and statistically processed materials. Each table is supplied with a title, and inserted into the text right after the paragraph with the first reference to the table.

7. The amount of graphic materials should be minimized (up to 5 figures). The data containing in figures should not repeat materials containing in tables. Each figure should be supplied with a caption that contains an explanation to all elements of the figure. In the captions to micro figures the increasing of lens and eyepiece magnification, and the tinting method are indicated. Each figure is inserted into the text after the reference to it.

8. Bibliographic references in the text of the article should be given in round brackets according to the numbering in the list of literature. References to unpublished articles are not allowed. The list of literature should be created in alphabetical order (first domestic, then foreign authors). The list of literature should be created according to GOST requirements: author's surname, initials, title of article, place of edition, editorial year, volume and issue number, pages (from and up to) should be given. For scientists submitting articles in Russian it is necessary to create the list of domestic publications in Latin script (transliteration). Foreign colleagues may submit publications in English language.

9. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to abridge and edit the submitted articles.

10. Articles made out of required rules wouldn't be considered. The submitted copies wouldn't be sent back to authors.

11. Articles already published or directed to other editions are not accepted.

12. Not more than 2 articles of the same author could be published in one issue.

13. The foreign authors may submit articles completely created in English language including abstracts and keywords. The Editorial Staff is obliged to fulfill the translation of abstracts and keywords into Russian which will be agreed with the authors before publication.

14. The Editorial Staff reserves the right for checking and proofreading the English translation of abstracts and keywords.

15. Authors submitting articles for publication in the journal should have a look at conditions of the License Agreement. If the article is published the Editorial Staff is entitled to consider that the authors agreed with the conditions of the Agreement, and further will not have any term less complaints against Publishing House and Editorial Staff.

16. Editorial Staff brings to the knowledge of authors that the electronic version of Journal may be found in Russian and international scientific databases.

Sample of article

Article name


Institution, address, email

Abstract in Russian/English languages (summary) and keywords

(brief scope of work) and keywords

In the beginning of the article an explanation and a short review of literature with reference to bibliographic sources are presented.

Materials and methods

Methods of study with reference to authors of these methods are described.

Results and discussion

Results of research performed and their discussion using tables, charts, graphs, figures, diagrams, photographs, etc. are presented.


Bibliographic sources used in the article in Latin transliteration for indicating of domestic authors are presented (see examples from the article)

1. Ilinskih E.N. Ekogenetika opistorchoza i persistenciy virusa Epschteyna-Barr / E.N. Ilinskih [i dr.]. - Tomsk: Izd. Sib. med. un-ta, 2000.- 268 s.

2. Ilinskih N.N. Populycionnie issledovaniy citogeneticheskoy patalogii v ochagah opistorhoza v usloviyh Ob-Irtishskogo basseyna / N.N. Ilinskih // Komplex. gigien. issled. v prakt. zdravoohr. - Novokuzneck, 1981. - S. 481 - 484.

3. Solov'eva A.V. Hronicheskiy opistorhoz i beremennost: Rukovodstvo dlya vrachey / A.V. Solov'eva. - M.: GEOTAR - Media, 2007. - 130 s.

4. Ykubovskiy M.V. Opistorhoz: opasnost zarazheniy i profilaktika / M.V. Ykubovskiy, E.K. Skurat // Veterinarnay medicina Belarusi. - 2008. - № 1 - 2. - S. 6 - 11.

Bibliographic sources used in the article for indicating of foreign authors are presented (see examples from the article) and for foreign authors.

1. Chen L. Skin-stage schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni produce an apoptosis-inducing factor that can cause apoptosis of T cells / L. Chen [et al.] // J. Biol. Chem. - 2002. - Vol. 277, Is. 37. - P. 34329-34335.

2. Florent M. Detection by the comet assay of apoptosis induced in lymphoid cell lines after growth factor deprivation / M. Florent [et al.] // Cell Biol. Toxicol. - 1999. - Vol. 15. - P. 185-192.

3. Lundy, S. K. Soluble egg antigen-stimulated T helper lymphocyte apoptosis and evidence for cell death mediated by FasL + T and B cells during murine Schistosoma mansoni infection / S.K. Lundy, S.P. Lerman, D.L. Boros // Infection and Immunity. - Vol. 69, № 1. - 2001. - P. 271-280.

4. Motorna O.O. Analysis of lacI mutations in Big Blue® transgenic mice subjected to parasite-induced inflammation. / O.O. Motorna [et al.] // Mutat. Res. Fund. and Mol. Mech. of Mutagen. - 2001. - Vol. 484. - P. 69-76.

Authors whose articles are being published in Russian should submit abstracts and keywords in English.

Responsible research publication: international standards for editors A position statement developed at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, July 22-24, 2010


The future of science in general and scientific spheres of publication depends largely not only on compliance with laws and regulations, but also on the principles of ethics of relations between the participants of the scientific and publishing communities. This pledge of increasing the amount of high-quality scientific publications, as well as the successful development of mutual co-authors, publishers and readers of publications. Overall experience of ethical behavior is collected in a single document - the Code of Ethics of scientific publications (hereinafter - the Code), developed by the Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications.

Code of Ethics integrates scientific publications and reveals the general principles and rules that should govern the relations of participants in the process of scientific publications: authors, reviewers, editors, publishers, distributors and readers.

Key terms:

The ethics of scientific publications - is a system of rules of professional conduct in relations between authors, reviewers, editors, publishers and readers in the creation, dissemination and use of scientific publications.

Editor - a representative of the scientific journal or publishing house, prepare materials for publication, and also supports communication with authors and readers of scientific publications.

The author - a person or group of persons (group of authors), involved in the creation of the publication of research results.

Reviewer - expert acting on behalf of a scientific journal or publishing house and conducting scientific expertise copyright materials to determine whether they are published.

Publisher - legal or natural person exercising public release of a scientific publication.

The reader - any person to get acquainted with the published material.

Plagiarism - intentional appropriation of authorship of another work of science or art, others' ideas or inventions. Plagiarism may be a violation of copyright law and patent law, and as such may result in legal liability.

The principles of professional ethics in the work of editor and publisher

In its activities, the editor responsible for the publication of original works, which imposes the need to follow the following basic principles:


  • When deciding on the publication of a scientific journal editor guided fair presentation of the data and the scientific significance of the work in question.
  • The editor should evaluate manuscripts intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, origin, nationality, social status or political preferences of the authors.
  • Unpublished data obtained from the manuscripts submitted for consideration should not be used for personal purposes or given to third parties without the prior written consent of the author. Information or ideas received during the editing and the associated potential benefits must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.
  • The editor should not allow the publication of information, if there is sufficient reason to believe that it is plagiarism.
  • Editor in conjunction with the publisher must not leave unanswered the claim relating to the examination of manuscripts or published materials as well as the detection of a conflict to take all necessary measures to restore the violated rights.


The ethical principles in the work of the reviewer

Reviewer provides scientific expertise copyright material, so that its actions should be impartial in nature, consisting in the following principles:


  • Manuscript received for review must be seen as a confidential document, which can not be transmitted for review or discussion to others who do not have it on authority from the editors.
  • The reviewer is required to give an objective and reasoned assessment of study results. Personal criticism of the author is not acceptable.
  • Unpublished data obtained from the manuscripts submitted for review, the reviewer should not be used for personal purposes.
  • The reviewer, who has, in his opinion, is qualified to evaluate the manuscript, or can not be objective, for example, in the case of a conflict of interest with the author or organization should inform the editor with a request to exclude him from the process of reviewing this manuscript.


The principles that should guide the author of scientific publications

The author (or group of authors) is aware that bears primary responsibility for the novelty and validity of the results of scientific research, which involves the following principles:

  • The authors should provide reliable research results. Knowingly false or fraudulent statements unacceptable.
  • Authors must ensure that the results of the study outlined in the submitted manuscript is completely original. Borrowed fragments or statements must be issued with the obligatory indication of the author and the source. Excessive borrowing and plagiarism in any form, including unregistered quotes, paraphrasing or assignment of the rights to the results of other people's research is unethical and unacceptable.
  • It is necessary to recognize the contribution of all persons, one way or another influenced the course of the study, in particular, the article must be submitted references to works that have value in the study.
  • Authors should not submit the manuscript to the journal, which has been sent to another journal and is under consideration, as well as an article already published in another journal.
  • Co-authors of the article should include all persons who have made significant contributions to the study. Among the sponsors is unacceptable to indicate persons who are not involved in the study.
  • If an author finds significant errors or inaccuracies in the article on the stage of examination or after its publication, it must as soon as possible notify the Editor.

Code of ethics of scientific publications developed and approved by the Ethics Committee of Scientific Publications.

The actual text of the Code is available on the permanent address www.publicet.org/code

Publishing procedure

All articles submitted to Editorial Board are registered in a special journal. The Editorial Board performs a peer-review process to ensure whether the article meets the thematic requirements (parasitological subject only) and editing rules.

After registration the articles are forwarded to reviewing with PhD or ScD degree, who is a recognized expert with profound knowledge and experience in the particular scientific field; the peer-review term is indicated. Peer-reviews are prepared in a written form; they should contain a recommendation to the editors to publish the paper or to revise it and re-review after the improvement, or to reject the paper with a motivation.

Peer-reviewed articles of each issue are discussed from Editorial Board that makes a final decision whether the articles with related referee's comments could be published. The Editorial Board makes a decision: to publish articles without changes, to publish articles with correction and changes suggested by a referee or editor (agreed with author); to send an article to author with request to improve it due to essential deviation from requirements or due to important reasonable notes of the referee, lack of novelty, low methodic level; also to reject the article if it doesn't meet the requirements for structure, style, form, subject, in case of identical publication in another edition, and if statistical processing of data is not available. Article is considered as accepted for publishing if a positive peer-review and support of majority of members of Editorial Board working in the same field like author are available. Order and priority of publication are determined depending on the volume of published materials and a list of headings in each particular issue. Peer-reviews of manuscripts with related referee's comments are submitted to authors for getting acquainted with the alterations and revising the article. If the article is rejected to be published in the journal a copy of peer-review with a written motivated reject is sent to author. Authors reserve the right to improve the article or to replace it with other materials.

INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC.
Registration address
127282, g. Moskva, ul. Polyarnaya, d. 31V, str. 1
The certificate of registration of the periodical
№ ФС 77-26864

Article Design Rules for Russian Journal of Parasitologу

In the Russian Journal of Parasitologу are published scientific articles, reviews of fundamental and applied parasitology. The editorial staff recommends to comply with the following rules:

1. The article should be supplied with a short abstract in Russian and English languages.

2. The article should be accompanied by contact information of author (authors) whom the editorial staff will do correspondence and conduct negotiations with: author's first, last, middle name, his exact mailing address and telephone number (work, home, mobile).

3. The volume of the article cannot exceed 8 pages (1 page - up to 2000 characters), including tables, charts, graphs, photographs, figures and a list of literature. Pages should be numbered consecutively at the top center.

4. The article should be edited on computer in Word, on one side of a sheet A4, Kegl 14, single space between rows, margins - 2cm on both sides), placed in one file and saved under the name of the first author. The article should be send via email, a printed copy of the article should be mailed to the Editorial Staff to the mailing address: 117218, Moscow, B. Cheremushkinskaya, 28, All -Russian Scientific Research Institute of Helminthology named after K.I. Skryabin, or per Fax +7 (499) 124 56-55, email: journal@vniigis.ru

5. The article's structure should contain: purpose of the study, tasks, materials, methods and results of research, discussion, conclusions and bibliography. The International Unit System SI should be used by processing of experimental materials. By using numeric values the tenths are separated from the whole number by a comma instead a full stop. The abbreviations of words, names are allowed only if the full names are indicated.

6. Tables should be presented as generalized and statistically processed materials. Each table is supplied with a title, and inserted into the text right after the paragraph with the first reference to the table.

7. The amount of graphic materials should be minimized (up to 5 figures). The data containing in figures should not repeat materials containing in tables. Each figure should be supplied with a caption that contains an explanation to all elements of the figure. In the captions to micro figures the increasing of lens and eyepiece magnification, and the tinting method are indicated. Each figure is inserted into the text after the reference to it.

8. Bibliographic references in the text of the article should be given in round brackets according to the numbering in the list of literature. References to unpublished articles are not allowed. The list of literature should be created in alphabetical order (first domestic, then foreign authors). The list of literature should be created according to GOST requirements: author's surname, initials, title of article, place of edition, editorial year, volume and issue number, pages (from and up to) should be given. For scientists submitting articles in Russian it is necessary to create the list of domestic publications in Latin script (transliteration). Foreign colleagues may submit publications in English language.

9. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to abridge and edit the submitted articles.

10. Articles made out of required rules wouldn't be considered. The submitted copies wouldn't be sent back to authors.

11. Articles already published or directed to other editions are not accepted.

12. Not more than 2 articles of the same author could be published in one issue.

13. The foreign authors may submit articles completely created in English language including abstracts and keywords. The Editorial Staff is obliged to fulfill the translation of abstracts and keywords into Russian which will be agreed with the authors before publication.

14. The Editorial Staff reserves the right for checking and proofreading the English translation of abstracts and keywords.

15. Authors submitting articles for publication in the journal should have a look at conditions of the License Agreement. If the article is published the Editorial Staff is entitled to consider that the authors agreed with the conditions of the Agreement, and further will not have any term less complaints against Publishing House and Editorial Staff.

16. Editorial Staff brings to the knowledge of authors that the electronic version of Journal may be found in Russian and international scientific databases.

Sample of article

Article name


Institution, address, email

Abstract in Russian/English languages (summary) and keywords

(brief scope of work) and keywords

In the beginning of the article an explanation and a short review of literature with reference to bibliographic sources are presented.

Materials and methods

Methods of study with reference to authors of these methods are described.

Results and discussion

Results of research performed and their discussion using tables, charts, graphs, figures, diagrams, photographs, etc. are presented.


Bibliographic sources used in the article in Latin transliteration for indicating of domestic authors are presented (see examples from the article)

1. Ilinskih E.N. Ekogenetika opistorchoza i persistenciy virusa Epschteyna-Barr / E.N. Ilinskih [i dr.]. - Tomsk: Izd. Sib. med. un-ta, 2000.- 268 s.

2. Ilinskih N.N. Populycionnie issledovaniy citogeneticheskoy patalogii v ochagah opistorhoza v usloviyh Ob-Irtishskogo basseyna / N.N. Ilinskih // Komplex. gigien. issled. v prakt. zdravoohr. - Novokuzneck, 1981. - S. 481 - 484.

3. Solov'eva A.V. Hronicheskiy opistorhoz i beremennost: Rukovodstvo dlya vrachey / A.V. Solov'eva. - M.: GEOTAR - Media, 2007. - 130 s.

4. Ykubovskiy M.V. Opistorhoz: opasnost zarazheniy i profilaktika / M.V. Ykubovskiy, E.K. Skurat // Veterinarnay medicina Belarusi. - 2008. - № 1 - 2. - S. 6 - 11.

Bibliographic sources used in the article for indicating of foreign authors are presented (see examples from the article) and for foreign authors.

1. Chen L. Skin-stage schistosomula of Schistosoma mansoni produce an apoptosis-inducing factor that can cause apoptosis of T cells / L. Chen [et al.] // J. Biol. Chem. - 2002. - Vol. 277, Is. 37. - P. 34329-34335.

2. Florent M. Detection by the comet assay of apoptosis induced in lymphoid cell lines after growth factor deprivation / M. Florent [et al.] // Cell Biol. Toxicol. - 1999. - Vol. 15. - P. 185-192.

3. Lundy, S. K. Soluble egg antigen-stimulated T helper lymphocyte apoptosis and evidence for cell death mediated by FasL + T and B cells during murine Schistosoma mansoni infection / S.K. Lundy, S.P. Lerman, D.L. Boros // Infection and Immunity. - Vol. 69, № 1. - 2001. - P. 271-280.

4. Motorna O.O. Analysis of lacI mutations in Big Blue® transgenic mice subjected to parasite-induced inflammation. / O.O. Motorna [et al.] // Mutat. Res. Fund. and Mol. Mech. of Mutagen. - 2001. - Vol. 484. - P. 69-76.

Authors whose articles are being published in Russian should submit abstracts and keywords in English.

Responsible research publication: international standards for editors A position statement developed at the 2nd World Conference on Research Integrity, Singapore, July 22-24, 2010


The future of science in general and scientific spheres of publication depends largely not only on compliance with laws and regulations, but also on the principles of ethics of relations between the participants of the scientific and publishing communities. This pledge of increasing the amount of high-quality scientific publications, as well as the successful development of mutual co-authors, publishers and readers of publications. Overall experience of ethical behavior is collected in a single document - the Code of Ethics of scientific publications (hereinafter - the Code), developed by the Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications.

Code of Ethics integrates scientific publications and reveals the general principles and rules that should govern the relations of participants in the process of scientific publications: authors, reviewers, editors, publishers, distributors and readers.

Key terms:

The ethics of scientific publications - is a system of rules of professional conduct in relations between authors, reviewers, editors, publishers and readers in the creation, dissemination and use of scientific publications.

Editor - a representative of the scientific journal or publishing house, prepare materials for publication, and also supports communication with authors and readers of scientific publications.

The author - a person or group of persons (group of authors), involved in the creation of the publication of research results.

Reviewer - expert acting on behalf of a scientific journal or publishing house and conducting scientific expertise copyright materials to determine whether they are published.

Publisher - legal or natural person exercising public release of a scientific publication.

The reader - any person to get acquainted with the published material.

Plagiarism - intentional appropriation of authorship of another work of science or art, others' ideas or inventions. Plagiarism may be a violation of copyright law and patent law, and as such may result in legal liability.

The principles of professional ethics in the work of editor and publisher

In its activities, the editor responsible for the publication of original works, which imposes the need to follow the following basic principles:


  • When deciding on the publication of a scientific journal editor guided fair presentation of the data and the scientific significance of the work in question.
  • The editor should evaluate manuscripts intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, origin, nationality, social status or political preferences of the authors.
  • Unpublished data obtained from the manuscripts submitted for consideration should not be used for personal purposes or given to third parties without the prior written consent of the author. Information or ideas received during the editing and the associated potential benefits must be kept confidential and not used for personal gain.
  • The editor should not allow the publication of information, if there is sufficient reason to believe that it is plagiarism.
  • Editor in conjunction with the publisher must not leave unanswered the claim relating to the examination of manuscripts or published materials as well as the detection of a conflict to take all necessary measures to restore the violated rights.


The ethical principles in the work of the reviewer

Reviewer provides scientific expertise copyright material, so that its actions should be impartial in nature, consisting in the following principles:


  • Manuscript received for review must be seen as a confidential document, which can not be transmitted for review or discussion to others who do not have it on authority from the editors.
  • The reviewer is required to give an objective and reasoned assessment of study results. Personal criticism of the author is not acceptable.
  • Unpublished data obtained from the manuscripts submitted for review, the reviewer should not be used for personal purposes.
  • The reviewer, who has, in his opinion, is qualified to evaluate the manuscript, or can not be objective, for example, in the case of a conflict of interest with the author or organization should inform the editor with a request to exclude him from the process of reviewing this manuscript.


The principles that should guide the author of scientific publications

The author (or group of authors) is aware that bears primary responsibility for the novelty and validity of the results of scientific research, which involves the following principles:

  • The authors should provide reliable research results. Knowingly false or fraudulent statements unacceptable.
  • Authors must ensure that the results of the study outlined in the submitted manuscript is completely original. Borrowed fragments or statements must be issued with the obligatory indication of the author and the source. Excessive borrowing and plagiarism in any form, including unregistered quotes, paraphrasing or assignment of the rights to the results of other people's research is unethical and unacceptable.
  • It is necessary to recognize the contribution of all persons, one way or another influenced the course of the study, in particular, the article must be submitted references to works that have value in the study.
  • Authors should not submit the manuscript to the journal, which has been sent to another journal and is under consideration, as well as an article already published in another journal.
  • Co-authors of the article should include all persons who have made significant contributions to the study. Among the sponsors is unacceptable to indicate persons who are not involved in the study.
  • If an author finds significant errors or inaccuracies in the article on the stage of examination or after its publication, it must as soon as possible notify the Editor.

Code of ethics of scientific publications developed and approved by the Ethics Committee of Scientific Publications.

The actual text of the Code is available on the permanent address www.publicet.org/code

Publishing procedure

All articles submitted to Editorial Board are registered in a special journal. The Editorial Board performs a peer-review process to ensure whether the article meets the thematic requirements (parasitological subject only) and editing rules.

After registration the articles are forwarded to reviewing with PhD or ScD degree, who is a recognized expert with profound knowledge and experience in the particular scientific field; the peer-review term is indicated. Peer-reviews are prepared in a written form; they should contain a recommendation to the editors to publish the paper or to revise it and re-review after the improvement, or to reject the paper with a motivation.

Peer-reviewed articles of each issue are discussed from Editorial Board that makes a final decision whether the articles with related referee's comments could be published. The Editorial Board makes a decision: to publish articles without changes, to publish articles with correction and changes suggested by a referee or editor (agreed with author); to send an article to author with request to improve it due to essential deviation from requirements or due to important reasonable notes of the referee, lack of novelty, low methodic level; also to reject the article if it doesn't meet the requirements for structure, style, form, subject, in case of identical publication in another edition, and if statistical processing of data is not available. Article is considered as accepted for publishing if a positive peer-review and support of majority of members of Editorial Board working in the same field like author are available. Order and priority of publication are determined depending on the volume of published materials and a list of headings in each particular issue. Peer-reviews of manuscripts with related referee's comments are submitted to authors for getting acquainted with the alterations and revising the article. If the article is rejected to be published in the journal a copy of peer-review with a written motivated reject is sent to author. Authors reserve the right to improve the article or to replace it with other materials.

                        Shibitov Samat
Shibitov Samat All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Fundamental and Applied Parasitology of Animals and Plants ― Branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution of the Federal Research Center for Emergencies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Leading Researcher)
candidate of veterinary sciences



Russian Journal of Parasitologу is intend for researchers in the area of medical, veterinary and phyto- parasitology from different countries: Russia, CIS, Middle East and Far abroad. Journal is the only publication in the Russia on veterinary parasitology and fitohelminthology.

The journal is international a scientific and practical publication on fundamental and applied aspects of parasitology and began being published in 2007.

The incoming articles are reviewed with the participation of leading specialists of the appropriate profile. The journal is published 4 times a year (quarterly) 500 copies and a subscription edition.

The Journal registered databaze citation (DB) "Russian Science Citation Index" (RISC) ​​and SCIENCE INDEX

DB RISC posted on Web-site ELIBRARY.RU. Scientific Electronic Library at: www.elibrary.ru.

Signed an agreement with the database CABI.ORG - http://www.cabi.org/publishing-products/ - about placing publication format CABI's full-text products, including CAB eBooks; CAB Reviews; CAB Reviews Archive; CABI full-text; Descriptions of Fungi and Bacteria; Distribution Maps of Plant Diseases; Distribution Maps of Plant Pests; and Global Agricultural Research Archive.

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