Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
1609-3178 (print)
Russian science citation index:
Yes 9756


The submitted manuscripts should follow the Editorial Ethics(link to the "Editorial Ethics" page) principles.

Please submit:

Author Details (for each author separately):

· full name in native language;

· name and surname in English (transliterated if applicable);

· affiliation at the moment the research was completed;

· full title of the affiliation in native language and English;

· postal address of the affiliation in native language and English;

· position, academic degree, academic title, certification level, research interests and so on - at the discretion of the author;

· colourphoto (head and shoulders);

· contact data (telephone number, e-mail);

· exact postal address (in native language and English) for the author's copy to be sent to.


· in printed form with the signatures of all the authors sent to the address:
OOO "Sven",
P.O.Box77, St.Petersburg, 195220, Russia
, Россия, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 77, ООО «Свен»);

· in electronic form via e-mail editor@ndtworld.com;

· about 20,000 characters in length (4 journal pages);

· preferably in a WORD format (any other word processor format is also acceptable);

· text formatting is not essential.


· in separate files not inserted in the text;

· numbered (do not forget!);

· the illustration/figure points in the text marked Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc. accordingly;

· with captions, which should be given as a list after the main text and references.


· colour (only archive photos are published as black-and-white);

· either:

· on paper sent to the address:
OOO "Sven", P.O. Box 77, St. Petersburg, 195220, Russia
(195220, Россия, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 77, ООО «Свен»);

· in electronic form via e-mail editor@ndtworld.com in JPEG format with the resolution of 300 dpi and medium compression rate.


· in native language and English;

· 10-15 words in length;

· without abbreviations and terms known only for the author(s).


· 100-250 words in length;

· without abbreviations, any sort of illustrations, figures, tables and references to them, without references to other literature;

· structured (if applicable):

· INTRODUCTION(why the research was conducted and what questions were to be answered);

· METHOD (how - in what way and with what instruments - the research was fulfilled);

· RESULTS (whatwasdiscovered andwhichquestionswere answered- major findings, trends, quantitative results, etc.);

· DISCUSSION (brief summary of implications of the findings).


· in native language and English;

· up to 10 keywords separated by commas.


· after the main text (before the captions list);

· in native language and English;

· in the order in which they appear in the text in the following format:

1. Мелешко Н. В., Макарова Т. И., Жаринов С. Е. «Ультразвуковой контроль узлов железнодорожного транспорта дефектоскопами с фазированными решетками». - В мире НК. 2015. Т. 18. № 3. С.72-76.

2. M. Karaman, P.-C. Li, M. O'Donnell. Synthetic aperture imaging for small scale systems. IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics. Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control. 1995, v. 42, no. 3, pp. 429-442.


· the reference points in the text formatted thus [1], [2, 3-5].


NDT World is published to inform our audience about new research and developments in all fields of nondestructive testing, evaluation and structural health monitoring. The focus of the journal is on practical matters of various NDT methods/techniques/instruments applied to real objects within all industries, civil engineering, and transportation.Publications should contain testing results of real objects and be of interest for practitioners. Each piece of published material must be verified and proved experimentally or/and in practice; this condition is essential.

NDT World publications include:

  • papers and review articles describing the results of testing method application to a real object(s) as well as results of research and development in the following fields:

· all NDT methods and techniques, including radiography, ultrasound, eddy currents, magnetic properties and magnetic particle inspection, thermal and dye penetrant imaging, optical and mechanical testing, et al.;

· novel NDT techniques and combination of techniques for characterizing hidden flaws and distributed damage;

· novel nondestructive evaluation systems for pipeline inspection; inspection of rail infrastructure and rolling stock; structural health monitoring; residual resource evaluation;

· conventional and novel sensors/transducers/probes and their applications both for inspection and process control;

· inspection of material properties and their degradation in service;

  • new NDT equipment and instruments;
  • normative documentation and metrological provision for NDT;
  • articles re-printed from foreign journals or specially prepared by foreign scientists that are of interest to Russian NDT-specialists;
  • technical and scientific overviews of:

· NDT at different enterprises and within different industries;

· foreign technical and scientific journals;

· Internet news;

  • other regular features:

· general aspects of NDT in education, training and certification;

· exhibitions and conferences reviews;

· calendar of forthcoming exhibitions and conferences.


The target audience of the journal embraces Russian and CIS NDT researchers/inspectors, plant/production NDT-managers, engineers of all industries, civil engineering, and transportation. Publications are also of interest to a wide range of readers including technicians, academics and scientists as well as students and young graduates.


Each issue has its main feature determined by the Editorial Board. The main feature serves as a subtitle and the first heading. Articles under the main feature heading usually cover up to 30-50% of an issue. Examples of main features are as follows:

NDT in Shipbuilding and Repairing

Welding Inspection in "Gazprom"

Digital Radiography

NDT of Metalware

NDT in the UK

and so on.

Other headings are presented in the following list:

Ultrasonic Inspection

Radiation Inspection

Acoustic Emission

Magnetic Inspection

Eddy Current Inspection

Thermal Testing

Acoustic Inspection

Optical Testing

Mechanical Testing

Pipe-Line Inspection

NDT in the Railways

Structural Health Monitoring


Normative Documents

Personnel Certification

Abstracts of the Articles Published in Other Sources

NDT World Events

Usually an issue has 7-9 headings (including the main feature heading) and 12-15 articles in total.


The process of peer review is guided by the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE's Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers) (ссылка


A blind peer review method is mandatory for processing of all scientific manuscripts submitted to the editorial staff of NDT World. This implies that the reviewer is not aware of the manuscript's authorship, neither does the author have any contact with the reviewer.

Review procedure:

1. The Editor-in-chief or deputy Editor-in-chief (hereinafter referred to as Editor) chooses a specialist for peer review. Peer reviews may be performed by leading experts in corresponding areas of science. The review process is limited to 2 weeks, though in some cases the schedule may be adjusted at the reviewer's request.

2. A reviewer has an option to refuse the assessment in case there is any conflict of interest that may affect perception or interpretation of the manuscript.

3. Upon completion of the examination the reviewer is expected to present to the Editorial Board one of the following recommendations:

  • accept the paper for publication without amendment;
  • send the paper for additional peer review;
  • return the paper to the author for correction according to the reviewer's comments;
  • reject the paper (with the mandatory justification).

4. If the reviewer has recommended any refinements, the editorial staff would suggest the author(s) either implement the corrections, or dispute them reasonably. Authors are required to limit their revision to 2-3 weeks and resubmit the adapted manuscript within this period for final evaluation.

5. If the author(s) and the reviewer meet insoluble disagreements regarding revision of the manuscript, the Editor-in-chief resolves the conflict by his own authority.

6. A positive review does not guarantee the acceptance as the final decision in all cases lies with the Editorial Board. The final decision-making authority in all cases lies with the Editor in-chief.

7. Original reviews of submitted manuscripts remain deposited for 3 years.


The Editorial Board of the NDT World follows the conventional ethical principles for scientific periodicals and the recommendations and standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE's Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors). The Editorial Board requires that all the parties involved in publishing operation (authors, reviewers, editors, publishers, distributors, readers) should be guided by these principles.

General Provision

The Editorial Board:

  • observes and safeguards the publishing ethics formulated below;
  • maintains the integrity of the academic record;
  • precludes business needs from compromising intellectual and ethical standards;
  • is always willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed;

· does not allow plagiarism and fraudulent data.

Publication and Authorship

The submitted manuscripts should:

  • follow the focus and scope of the journal;
  • present new nontrivial information which hasn't been published earlier;
  • not contain plagiarism and fraudulent information;
  • be supplemented with the complete list of the used sources, as well as with information on the financial support, if any;

· meet the existing standards of scientific paper preparation.

Author's Responsibilities

Author(s) should:

  • confirm the participation of each of them in the research performed;
  • ensure novelty, originality and validity of research results;
  • provide real and authentic data of their study; misleading or falsified statements are unacceptable;
  • take part in finalizing the paper after the peer review process;
  • advance well-reasoned objections to the peer reviewer's comments if necessary, or correct mistakes;

· immediately notify the Editor, if they find significant errors or inaccuracies in the manuscript in the course of its reviewing or after publication.

The author(s) also adhere to the following rules:

1. All publications significant for the study should be referred to.

2. Borrowed quotations or statements should be accompanied by references to their authors and sources. Overquoting and plagiarism of any kind are unethical and unacceptable.

3. Submission of a paper implies that the results reported have not been published and are not being considered for publication elsewhere. If some fragments of the manuscript have been published, the authors should refer to the earlier paper and indicate differences between the new and earlier papers.

4. Submitting the same article to more than one journal is forbidden.

Peer Reviewers' Responsibilities

Peer reviewers make an expert review of a manuscript according to the following principles:

1. Reviewers provide an objective and substantiated estimation of results presented in the manuscript. Personal criticism of the author(s) is not allowed.

2. A reviewer notifies the Editor if he/she does not have the expertise to assess all aspects of the manuscript or cannot be impartial because of conflict of interests. He/she should ask the Editor to excuse himself/herself from the review process.

3. The manuscript received for reviewing is considered confidential. It may not be given for information or discussion to third persons not authorized by the Editor.

4. Reviewers identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors. Any statement that an observation, derivation, or argument had been previously reported should be accompanied by the relevant citation. A reviewer also draws the Editor's attention to any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript and any other published paper of which the reviewer has personal knowledge.

5. Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript are not used in a reviewer's own research without the written consent of the author. Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage. A reviewer should not consider manuscripts in which he/she has a personal interest.

Editorial Responsibilities

The Publisher and the Editorial Board adhere to the following rules:

1. The Publisher and the Editorial Board are completely responsible for deciding which of the manuscripts submitted to the journal should be published.

2. The Editor makes an impartial decision on publication by evaluating the intellectual content of the manuscript, its significance and reliability of provided data as well as its conformity to the journal's focus and scope.

3. Editorial decisions are not influenced by the origins of the manuscript including nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, or religion of the authors.

4. The Editor does not accept a manuscript for publication in the event that there are sufficient grounds to suspect plagiarism.

5. Editors reserve the right to reduce and to edit the text of articles.

6. Editors do not allow any possible conflict of interests to arise.

7. In cases of suspected publication misconduct by any participant of the editorial process, public investigation must be pursued.

8. If a paper containing significant inaccuracies has been published, it should be revised so that the revisions are accessible to readers and indexing systems.

9. Editors ensure the reviewers remain anonymous.


Authors are not charged for submission, processing and publication of papers.

Peer reviewers are not paid for the peer reviewing.

All the submitted manuscripts are to be peer reviewed. The process of peer review is guided by the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE's Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers) (ссылка


A double blind peer review method is mandatory for processing of all scientific manuscripts submitted to the editorial staff of NDT World. This implies that the reviewer is not aware of the manuscript's authorship; neither does the author have any contact with the reviewer.

Review procedure:

1. The Editor-in-chief or deputy Editor-in-chief (hereinafter referred to as Editor) chooses a specialist for peer review. Peer reviews may be performed by leading experts in corresponding areas of science. The review process is limited to 2 weeks, though in some cases the schedule may be adjusted at the reviewer's request.

2. A reviewer has an option to refuse the assessment in case there is any conflict of interest that may affect perception or interpretation of the manuscript.

3. Upon completion of the examination the reviewer is expected to present to the Editorial Board one of the following recommendations:

  • accept the paper for publication without amendment;
  • send the paper for additional peer review;
  • return the paper to the author for correction according to the reviewer's comments;
  • reject the paper (with the mandatory justification).

4. If the reviewer has recommended any refinements, the editorial staff would suggest the author(s) either implement the corrections, or dispute them reasonably. Authors are required to limit their revision to 2-3 weeks and resubmit the adapted manuscript within this period for final evaluation.

5. If the author(s) and the reviewer meet insoluble disagreements regarding revision of the manuscript, the Editor-in-chief resolves the conflict by his own authority.

6. A positive review does not guarantee the acceptance as the final decision in all cases lies with the Editorial Board. The final decision-making authority in all cases lies with the Editor in-chief.


7. Original reviews of submitted manuscripts remain deposited for 3 years.

The certificate of registration of the periodical
ПИ № ФС77-61651


The submitted manuscripts should follow the Editorial Ethics(link to the "Editorial Ethics" page) principles.

Please submit:

Author Details (for each author separately):

· full name in native language;

· name and surname in English (transliterated if applicable);

· affiliation at the moment the research was completed;

· full title of the affiliation in native language and English;

· postal address of the affiliation in native language and English;

· position, academic degree, academic title, certification level, research interests and so on - at the discretion of the author;

· colourphoto (head and shoulders);

· contact data (telephone number, e-mail);

· exact postal address (in native language and English) for the author's copy to be sent to.


· in printed form with the signatures of all the authors sent to the address:
OOO "Sven",
P.O.Box77, St.Petersburg, 195220, Russia
, Россия, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 77, ООО «Свен»);

· in electronic form via e-mail editor@ndtworld.com;

· about 20,000 characters in length (4 journal pages);

· preferably in a WORD format (any other word processor format is also acceptable);

· text formatting is not essential.


· in separate files not inserted in the text;

· numbered (do not forget!);

· the illustration/figure points in the text marked Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc. accordingly;

· with captions, which should be given as a list after the main text and references.


· colour (only archive photos are published as black-and-white);

· either:

· on paper sent to the address:
OOO "Sven", P.O. Box 77, St. Petersburg, 195220, Russia
(195220, Россия, Санкт-Петербург, а/я 77, ООО «Свен»);

· in electronic form via e-mail editor@ndtworld.com in JPEG format with the resolution of 300 dpi and medium compression rate.


· in native language and English;

· 10-15 words in length;

· without abbreviations and terms known only for the author(s).


· 100-250 words in length;

· without abbreviations, any sort of illustrations, figures, tables and references to them, without references to other literature;

· structured (if applicable):

· INTRODUCTION(why the research was conducted and what questions were to be answered);

· METHOD (how - in what way and with what instruments - the research was fulfilled);

· RESULTS (whatwasdiscovered andwhichquestionswere answered- major findings, trends, quantitative results, etc.);

· DISCUSSION (brief summary of implications of the findings).


· in native language and English;

· up to 10 keywords separated by commas.


· after the main text (before the captions list);

· in native language and English;

· in the order in which they appear in the text in the following format:

1. Мелешко Н. В., Макарова Т. И., Жаринов С. Е. «Ультразвуковой контроль узлов железнодорожного транспорта дефектоскопами с фазированными решетками». - В мире НК. 2015. Т. 18. № 3. С.72-76.

2. M. Karaman, P.-C. Li, M. O'Donnell. Synthetic aperture imaging for small scale systems. IEEE Trans. Ultrasonics. Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control. 1995, v. 42, no. 3, pp. 429-442.


· the reference points in the text formatted thus [1], [2, 3-5].


NDT World is published to inform our audience about new research and developments in all fields of nondestructive testing, evaluation and structural health monitoring. The focus of the journal is on practical matters of various NDT methods/techniques/instruments applied to real objects within all industries, civil engineering, and transportation.Publications should contain testing results of real objects and be of interest for practitioners. Each piece of published material must be verified and proved experimentally or/and in practice; this condition is essential.

NDT World publications include:

  • papers and review articles describing the results of testing method application to a real object(s) as well as results of research and development in the following fields:

· all NDT methods and techniques, including radiography, ultrasound, eddy currents, magnetic properties and magnetic particle inspection, thermal and dye penetrant imaging, optical and mechanical testing, et al.;

· novel NDT techniques and combination of techniques for characterizing hidden flaws and distributed damage;

· novel nondestructive evaluation systems for pipeline inspection; inspection of rail infrastructure and rolling stock; structural health monitoring; residual resource evaluation;

· conventional and novel sensors/transducers/probes and their applications both for inspection and process control;

· inspection of material properties and their degradation in service;

  • new NDT equipment and instruments;
  • normative documentation and metrological provision for NDT;
  • articles re-printed from foreign journals or specially prepared by foreign scientists that are of interest to Russian NDT-specialists;
  • technical and scientific overviews of:

· NDT at different enterprises and within different industries;

· foreign technical and scientific journals;

· Internet news;

  • other regular features:

· general aspects of NDT in education, training and certification;

· exhibitions and conferences reviews;

· calendar of forthcoming exhibitions and conferences.


The target audience of the journal embraces Russian and CIS NDT researchers/inspectors, plant/production NDT-managers, engineers of all industries, civil engineering, and transportation. Publications are also of interest to a wide range of readers including technicians, academics and scientists as well as students and young graduates.


Each issue has its main feature determined by the Editorial Board. The main feature serves as a subtitle and the first heading. Articles under the main feature heading usually cover up to 30-50% of an issue. Examples of main features are as follows:

NDT in Shipbuilding and Repairing

Welding Inspection in "Gazprom"

Digital Radiography

NDT of Metalware

NDT in the UK

and so on.

Other headings are presented in the following list:

Ultrasonic Inspection

Radiation Inspection

Acoustic Emission

Magnetic Inspection

Eddy Current Inspection

Thermal Testing

Acoustic Inspection

Optical Testing

Mechanical Testing

Pipe-Line Inspection

NDT in the Railways

Structural Health Monitoring


Normative Documents

Personnel Certification

Abstracts of the Articles Published in Other Sources

NDT World Events

Usually an issue has 7-9 headings (including the main feature heading) and 12-15 articles in total.


The process of peer review is guided by the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE's Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers) (ссылка


A blind peer review method is mandatory for processing of all scientific manuscripts submitted to the editorial staff of NDT World. This implies that the reviewer is not aware of the manuscript's authorship, neither does the author have any contact with the reviewer.

Review procedure:

1. The Editor-in-chief or deputy Editor-in-chief (hereinafter referred to as Editor) chooses a specialist for peer review. Peer reviews may be performed by leading experts in corresponding areas of science. The review process is limited to 2 weeks, though in some cases the schedule may be adjusted at the reviewer's request.

2. A reviewer has an option to refuse the assessment in case there is any conflict of interest that may affect perception or interpretation of the manuscript.

3. Upon completion of the examination the reviewer is expected to present to the Editorial Board one of the following recommendations:

  • accept the paper for publication without amendment;
  • send the paper for additional peer review;
  • return the paper to the author for correction according to the reviewer's comments;
  • reject the paper (with the mandatory justification).

4. If the reviewer has recommended any refinements, the editorial staff would suggest the author(s) either implement the corrections, or dispute them reasonably. Authors are required to limit their revision to 2-3 weeks and resubmit the adapted manuscript within this period for final evaluation.

5. If the author(s) and the reviewer meet insoluble disagreements regarding revision of the manuscript, the Editor-in-chief resolves the conflict by his own authority.

6. A positive review does not guarantee the acceptance as the final decision in all cases lies with the Editorial Board. The final decision-making authority in all cases lies with the Editor in-chief.

7. Original reviews of submitted manuscripts remain deposited for 3 years.


The Editorial Board of the NDT World follows the conventional ethical principles for scientific periodicals and the recommendations and standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE's Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors). The Editorial Board requires that all the parties involved in publishing operation (authors, reviewers, editors, publishers, distributors, readers) should be guided by these principles.

General Provision

The Editorial Board:

  • observes and safeguards the publishing ethics formulated below;
  • maintains the integrity of the academic record;
  • precludes business needs from compromising intellectual and ethical standards;
  • is always willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed;

· does not allow plagiarism and fraudulent data.

Publication and Authorship

The submitted manuscripts should:

  • follow the focus and scope of the journal;
  • present new nontrivial information which hasn't been published earlier;
  • not contain plagiarism and fraudulent information;
  • be supplemented with the complete list of the used sources, as well as with information on the financial support, if any;

· meet the existing standards of scientific paper preparation.

Author's Responsibilities

Author(s) should:

  • confirm the participation of each of them in the research performed;
  • ensure novelty, originality and validity of research results;
  • provide real and authentic data of their study; misleading or falsified statements are unacceptable;
  • take part in finalizing the paper after the peer review process;
  • advance well-reasoned objections to the peer reviewer's comments if necessary, or correct mistakes;

· immediately notify the Editor, if they find significant errors or inaccuracies in the manuscript in the course of its reviewing or after publication.

The author(s) also adhere to the following rules:

1. All publications significant for the study should be referred to.

2. Borrowed quotations or statements should be accompanied by references to their authors and sources. Overquoting and plagiarism of any kind are unethical and unacceptable.

3. Submission of a paper implies that the results reported have not been published and are not being considered for publication elsewhere. If some fragments of the manuscript have been published, the authors should refer to the earlier paper and indicate differences between the new and earlier papers.

4. Submitting the same article to more than one journal is forbidden.

Peer Reviewers' Responsibilities

Peer reviewers make an expert review of a manuscript according to the following principles:

1. Reviewers provide an objective and substantiated estimation of results presented in the manuscript. Personal criticism of the author(s) is not allowed.

2. A reviewer notifies the Editor if he/she does not have the expertise to assess all aspects of the manuscript or cannot be impartial because of conflict of interests. He/she should ask the Editor to excuse himself/herself from the review process.

3. The manuscript received for reviewing is considered confidential. It may not be given for information or discussion to third persons not authorized by the Editor.

4. Reviewers identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors. Any statement that an observation, derivation, or argument had been previously reported should be accompanied by the relevant citation. A reviewer also draws the Editor's attention to any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript and any other published paper of which the reviewer has personal knowledge.

5. Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript are not used in a reviewer's own research without the written consent of the author. Privileged information or ideas obtained through peer review must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage. A reviewer should not consider manuscripts in which he/she has a personal interest.

Editorial Responsibilities

The Publisher and the Editorial Board adhere to the following rules:

1. The Publisher and the Editorial Board are completely responsible for deciding which of the manuscripts submitted to the journal should be published.

2. The Editor makes an impartial decision on publication by evaluating the intellectual content of the manuscript, its significance and reliability of provided data as well as its conformity to the journal's focus and scope.

3. Editorial decisions are not influenced by the origins of the manuscript including nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, or religion of the authors.

4. The Editor does not accept a manuscript for publication in the event that there are sufficient grounds to suspect plagiarism.

5. Editors reserve the right to reduce and to edit the text of articles.

6. Editors do not allow any possible conflict of interests to arise.

7. In cases of suspected publication misconduct by any participant of the editorial process, public investigation must be pursued.

8. If a paper containing significant inaccuracies has been published, it should be revised so that the revisions are accessible to readers and indexing systems.

9. Editors ensure the reviewers remain anonymous.


Authors are not charged for submission, processing and publication of papers.

Peer reviewers are not paid for the peer reviewing.

All the submitted manuscripts are to be peer reviewed. The process of peer review is guided by the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE's Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers) (ссылка


A double blind peer review method is mandatory for processing of all scientific manuscripts submitted to the editorial staff of NDT World. This implies that the reviewer is not aware of the manuscript's authorship; neither does the author have any contact with the reviewer.

Review procedure:

1. The Editor-in-chief or deputy Editor-in-chief (hereinafter referred to as Editor) chooses a specialist for peer review. Peer reviews may be performed by leading experts in corresponding areas of science. The review process is limited to 2 weeks, though in some cases the schedule may be adjusted at the reviewer's request.

2. A reviewer has an option to refuse the assessment in case there is any conflict of interest that may affect perception or interpretation of the manuscript.

3. Upon completion of the examination the reviewer is expected to present to the Editorial Board one of the following recommendations:

  • accept the paper for publication without amendment;
  • send the paper for additional peer review;
  • return the paper to the author for correction according to the reviewer's comments;
  • reject the paper (with the mandatory justification).

4. If the reviewer has recommended any refinements, the editorial staff would suggest the author(s) either implement the corrections, or dispute them reasonably. Authors are required to limit their revision to 2-3 weeks and resubmit the adapted manuscript within this period for final evaluation.

5. If the author(s) and the reviewer meet insoluble disagreements regarding revision of the manuscript, the Editor-in-chief resolves the conflict by his own authority.

6. A positive review does not guarantee the acceptance as the final decision in all cases lies with the Editorial Board. The final decision-making authority in all cases lies with the Editor in-chief.


7. Original reviews of submitted manuscripts remain deposited for 3 years.

                        Lugovoy Vladimir Aleksandrovich
Lugovoy Vladimir Aleksandrovich Taganrogskiy institut upravleniya i ekonomiki (Laboratoriya optiko-akusticheskih izmereniy, nachal'nik)

                        Lukashevsky Maksim
Lukashevsky Maksim NPF Progress (kommercheskiy direktor)

                        Lukina Anastasiya
Lukina Anastasiya National Technical Univercity "Kharkov Polytechnical Institute" (studentka)

                        Lukyanov Aleksandr
Lukyanov Aleksandr Research Institute of Technical Physics and Automation (ulavnyy specialist)

                        Makarov Alexey
Makarov Alexey LENTEST LLC SPb (general'nyy direktor)

                        MacLeod Charles Norman
MacLeod Charles Norman University of Strathclyde

                        Maksimova Ekaterina
Maksimova Ekaterina Radioavionica JSC (Nachal'nik laboratorii NK)

                        Maldague Xavier
Maldague Xavier Universite Laval (Fakul'tet fundamental'nyh nauk i inzhenernogo dela, professor)

                        Malushin Dmitry
Malushin Dmitry Diagnostika-M" ltd. (Nachal'nik proizvodstvennogo uchastka «Radiotehnicheskie sistemy»)

                        Malygin Mihail Aleksandrovich
Malygin Mihail Aleksandrovich Ural'skiy NII Metrologii (otdel promyshlennoy metrologii, zaveduyuschiy)

                        Margolin Boris
Margolin Boris National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute” Federal State Unitary Enterprise Academical I.V. Gorynin Central Research Institute of Structural Materials “PROMETEY” State Research Center (nachal'nik laboratorii)
doctor of technical sciences


                        Markov Anatoliy
Markov Anatoliy Radioavionica JSC (Zam. general'nogo konstruktora po razvitiyu metodov i sredstv NK)
doctoral candidate of technical sciences

                        Markov Yury
Markov Yury JSC “Radioavionica” (Nachal'nik laboratorii NK)

                        Mariin Maksim
Mariin Maksim Moscow Power Engineering Institute

                        Matsan Nikolay
Matsan Nikolay Krasny Octiabr JSC (Glavnyy metallurg liteynogo proizvodstva)

                        Mashovets Yury
Mashovets Yury UIK Ltd. (direktor)



in 1998 by "SVEN" company


by "SVEN" company


by subscription within Russian Federation and Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

Subscription Agencies and Indexes:

"Rospechat'" Agency - 29976

"Ural-Press" Agency - 29976

"Pressa Rossii" Agency - 42304

NDT World publishes:

Peer-reviewed results of research and development of methods, instruments and techniques for non-destructive testing of real objects within all industries, civil engineering, and transportation.

Distinctive Feature:

The journal only publishes materials which have been verified and proved in practice.


Russian, CIS and foreign scientists and NDT practitioners.

Target Audience:

Russian and CIS NDT researchers/inspectors, plant/production managers, engineers of all industries, civil engineering, and transportation.

Editorial Council:

High-level scientists, researchers and practitioners in the NDT field from Russia, Ukraine and Byelorussia

Editorial Board:

NDT experts from St. Petersburg


Leading specialists in different NDT methods from Russia, Ukraine and Byelorussia

Indexed in:

· RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index); RSCI is a national information and analytical system;

· VINITI Data base; VINITI is a Russian national information center providing scientific and technical information;

· Ulrich's Periodical Directory.

Examples of citing:

· for the issues published before September 2015:

Vainberg I. A., Vainberg E. I. NDT World. 2011, no. 2(52), pp. 20-25 (in Russ.).

· for the issues published after September 2015:

Nosov V. V. NDT World. 2015, v. 18, no. 3, pp. 30-33 (in Russ.).

Editorial and Postal Address :

SVEN, OOO, 5 Udelny Pr., St. Petersburg, Russia, 194017
(194017, Россия, Санкт-Петербург, пр. Удельный, д.5, ООО «Свен»)


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