Обложка журнала
Title (English)
Language of publication
Russian, English
2073-0462 (print)
Russian science citation index:
Yes 25699
Russian higher attestation Commission:

Requirements for the paper

Provided to the publication of the article should contain the results of scientific research in the field of economics of agriculture, mechanization and technical services, agriculture, veterinary medicine and animal science, forestry, and ecology. Articles are selected on the criterion of relevance and novelty of the considered scientific problems.

The volume of publications, including attachments, must not exceed 10 pages of articles and the problematic nature of 6 pages - for messages on particular issues. Articles must be printed on sheets of A4, font - Times New Roman, size - 14 pt, line spacing - 1,5. Boxes at the top and bottom - 2 cm, right and left - 3 cm, a paragraph - 1 cm (do not ask spaces) format - the book.

If the article was or will be sent to another publication must inform the editorial office.

Making the article

Left in the upper right corner without a paragraph printed article UDC (UDC check the correctness of the chosen site for the All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information - VINITI).

Below, through a gap in the center row title (article title should reflect the basic idea executed research, to be as brief as possible) in bold capital letters in English and Russian, followed by a space in lower case - the surname and initials of the author.After that, a gap - the summary in Russian, with a new paragraph - keywords (3-6), separated by spaces - abstract in English, with a new paragraph - the key words in the English language, through a gap - the text of the article. The volume of abstracts - 1000-1200 characters.

Language English or Russian.

Tables are provided in Word and identifying them with serial numbers (Table 1, etc.) and names, parameters, tables should be in book format.

Formula - in the standard equation editor Word, confirming the physical essence of the research (process), are presented without detailed mathematical transformations. At the end in parentheses is put a number, put the number of formulas in the text are also indicated in parentheses.

Illustrations for the article (if any) in standard graphic formats, always with caption (no more than 4). Line diagrams and drawings in the file should be grouped.

The references must be made in accordance with GOST 7.0.5-2008 "Bibliography link" in the form of a common list in order of citation in the text is referenced with a number. Link is in plain text format, in square brackets. A bibliography and DB translated into English (only translate the titles of articles, the rest - in the Roman alphabet).

When writing a scientific article must adhere to the following structure of presentation: "Introduction," "Terms, materials and methods of research", "Analysis and discussion of results," "Conclusion."

In the "Introduction" section is proposed formulation of the problem must be formulated and justified purpose of work and, if necessary, examined its association with important scientific and practical areas, provides a theoretical justification of the study. Should be linked to recent publications, including in the field of foreign authors.

In the next section reveals features of this study are given conditions, materials and methods.

The main section of the paper is devoted to reporting, analysis and discussion of results. The results obtained should be dealt with in terms of their scientific novelty and compared with the corresponding known data.

In conclusion, presented findings and recommendations.


Publishing procedure

The authors present (simultaneously):

  • An article in print without ink spots on one side of a standard sheet, signed on the last page of all the authors.
  • The article in electronic form, each item must be in a separate file. In the file name the surname of the first author.
  • Information about the author (in print and electronic form): Name (Full), academic degree, academic rank, title, full name of organization, phone number and address for communication, e-mail; the same information in English.
  • Review signed (PhD) and stamped.
  • Opinion possibility of publication, issued in the organization, from which a manuscript (cover letter).
  • Provide post-graduate certificate confirming the place of study.

Subject to the formal requirements of the materials for publication is provided by the author of the manuscript is reviewed, according to the established order of peer review of manuscripts received by the Editorial Board. Decision on whether the publication is accepted after review editor (deputy editor), and if necessary - the editorial board as a whole. The author is not accepted for publication by the Editorial Board of the manuscript sent a reasoned refusal.

Fee for graduate students with the publication of manuscripts will be charged.

Kazan state agrarian University
The certificate of registration of the periodical (print)
ПИ №ФС77-48189
Date of issue testifies to the registration of the newspaper (print)

Requirements for the paper

Provided to the publication of the article should contain the results of scientific research in the field of economics of agriculture, mechanization and technical services, agriculture, veterinary medicine and animal science, forestry, and ecology. Articles are selected on the criterion of relevance and novelty of the considered scientific problems.

The volume of publications, including attachments, must not exceed 10 pages of articles and the problematic nature of 6 pages - for messages on particular issues. Articles must be printed on sheets of A4, font - Times New Roman, size - 14 pt, line spacing - 1,5. Boxes at the top and bottom - 2 cm, right and left - 3 cm, a paragraph - 1 cm (do not ask spaces) format - the book.

If the article was or will be sent to another publication must inform the editorial office.

Making the article

Left in the upper right corner without a paragraph printed article UDC (UDC check the correctness of the chosen site for the All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information - VINITI).

Below, through a gap in the center row title (article title should reflect the basic idea executed research, to be as brief as possible) in bold capital letters in English and Russian, followed by a space in lower case - the surname and initials of the author.After that, a gap - the summary in Russian, with a new paragraph - keywords (3-6), separated by spaces - abstract in English, with a new paragraph - the key words in the English language, through a gap - the text of the article. The volume of abstracts - 1000-1200 characters.

Language English or Russian.

Tables are provided in Word and identifying them with serial numbers (Table 1, etc.) and names, parameters, tables should be in book format.

Formula - in the standard equation editor Word, confirming the physical essence of the research (process), are presented without detailed mathematical transformations. At the end in parentheses is put a number, put the number of formulas in the text are also indicated in parentheses.

Illustrations for the article (if any) in standard graphic formats, always with caption (no more than 4). Line diagrams and drawings in the file should be grouped.

The references must be made in accordance with GOST 7.0.5-2008 "Bibliography link" in the form of a common list in order of citation in the text is referenced with a number. Link is in plain text format, in square brackets. A bibliography and DB translated into English (only translate the titles of articles, the rest - in the Roman alphabet).

When writing a scientific article must adhere to the following structure of presentation: "Introduction," "Terms, materials and methods of research", "Analysis and discussion of results," "Conclusion."

In the "Introduction" section is proposed formulation of the problem must be formulated and justified purpose of work and, if necessary, examined its association with important scientific and practical areas, provides a theoretical justification of the study. Should be linked to recent publications, including in the field of foreign authors.

In the next section reveals features of this study are given conditions, materials and methods.

The main section of the paper is devoted to reporting, analysis and discussion of results. The results obtained should be dealt with in terms of their scientific novelty and compared with the corresponding known data.

In conclusion, presented findings and recommendations.


Publishing procedure

The authors present (simultaneously):

  • An article in print without ink spots on one side of a standard sheet, signed on the last page of all the authors.
  • The article in electronic form, each item must be in a separate file. In the file name the surname of the first author.
  • Information about the author (in print and electronic form): Name (Full), academic degree, academic rank, title, full name of organization, phone number and address for communication, e-mail; the same information in English.
  • Review signed (PhD) and stamped.
  • Opinion possibility of publication, issued in the organization, from which a manuscript (cover letter).
  • Provide post-graduate certificate confirming the place of study.

Subject to the formal requirements of the materials for publication is provided by the author of the manuscript is reviewed, according to the established order of peer review of manuscripts received by the Editorial Board. Decision on whether the publication is accepted after review editor (deputy editor), and if necessary - the editorial board as a whole. The author is not accepted for publication by the Editorial Board of the manuscript sent a reasoned refusal.

Fee for graduate students with the publication of manuscripts will be charged.

                        Safiullin Il'nur
Safiullin Il'nur Kazan State Agrarian University (Economics and Information Technology, Associate Professor)
candidate of economic sciences

                        Safiullin Niyaz
Safiullin Niyaz Kazan State Agrarian University (Agricultural Production Management, Senior Lecturer)

                        Safiullina Aysylu
Safiullina Aysylu Kazan state agrarian University

                        Safiullina Gul'gena
Safiullina Gul'gena Kazan State Agrarian University (general agriculture, plant protection and breeding, Associate Professor)
candidate of agricultural sciences

                        Safiullina Gul'guna
Safiullina Gul'guna Tatar Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture - separate structural subdivision of “Federal Research Center “Kazan Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (potato breeding and biotechnology laboratory, Researcher)
candidate of agricultural sciences

                        Safiullov Ramis Hatypovich
Safiullov Ramis Hatypovich Administraciya Tetyushskogo rayona RT

                        Sahnov Vladimir Vasil'evich
Sahnov Vladimir Vasil'evich Branch of “East European Forest Experimental Station”

                        Sveshnikov Artemiy
Sveshnikov Artemiy Chuvash State Agrarian University (post-graduate student of Mechanization, Electrification and Automation of Agricultural Production Department)

                        Seitov Sanat Kairgalievich
Seitov Sanat Kairgalievich Lomonosov Moscow State University (Department of Agroeconomics, Postgraduate Student)
graduate student from 01.01.2019 to 01.01.2021

                        Seyfullin Anatoliy
Seyfullin Anatoliy Federal'nyy nauchnyy agroinzhenernyy centr VIM

                        Selyakov Andrey
Selyakov Andrey Perm State Agrarian-Technological University named after Academician D.N. Pryanishnikov (Agriculture, plant growing, breeding and seed production, post-graduate student)
graduate student
graduate student of agricultural sciences

                        Semenov Aleksandr
Semenov Aleksandr Chuvash State Agrocultural Academy (General agriculture, associate professor)
candidate of agricultural sciences


By decision of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles(SCADT) of Russia "Vestnik of the Kazan State Agrarian University " included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications, which can be published the main results theses for an academic degree and Ph.D. in the following areas: "Economic Science", "Engineering", "Agricultural Science."

Subscription index in the catalog "Joint catalog. Russian Press. Newspapers and magazines " for the 1st half of 2012: 40 977

Address: K.Marx str.,65



http://www.vestnik-kazgau.com/ e-mail: vestnik@kazgau.com

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