01978nam#a2200229#i#4500001000500000005001700005008004000022020002300062044000900085080011100094084004900205084006400254084008300318084004300401100010100444245004700545260004400592300001200636500105100648533003301699856001601732430620241002050214.3 20240315d2024####ek#y0engy0150####ca##$a978-5-369-01956-6##$axxu##$aТруд. Наука о труде. Экономика труда. Организация труда. 331##$aОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ. 62bbk##$aЭкономика и управление. 38.00.002okso##$aОБЩЕСТВЕННЫЕ НАУКИ. ЭКОНОМИКА. ПРАВО.. 72tbk##$aОХРАНА ТРУДА. 86.002grnti#1$aFedorov, Petr Mihaylovich$aSt. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University)00$aOccupational Safety and Health$cTextbook1#$aMoscow$bPublishing Center RIOR$c2024##$a151 p.##$aThe manual allows the reader to quickly navigate the regulations on labor protection; check whether all labor protection requirements are observed in the organization, and if necessary, study these requirements in detail and consider examples of the practical application of regulations. The use of the information contained in the manual on obligations in the field of labor protection, legal risks, and available opportunities for financing labor protection measures opens up opportunities for the employer to increase the efficiency of production activities. The book is supplied with an electronic appendix with forms of all documents necessary for the organization of labor protection. The publication is intended for employees of personnel services, labor protection specialists, heads of structural divisions of enterprises; it can be used by students of various specialties and directions for training in educational disciplines related to labor protection and HRM.$aOccupational Safety and Health, Working conditions$a10.29039/01956-6##$aThere is an electronic copy4#$anaukaru.ru