03946nam#a2200433#i#450# 3712 20240420030106.6 20220428d2022####ek#y0engy0150####ca 978-5-369-01910-8 xxu Право. Юридические науки. 34 Право. Юридические науки. 67 bbk Pracko, Gennadiy Svyatoslavovich Донской государственный технический университет History of political and legal doctrines Textbook Moscow Publishing Center RIOR 2022 451 p. The textbook outlines the key topics of the course "History of political and legal teachings." The main directions of the teachings about the law and the state of the Ancient East, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, the teachings of the Middle Ages, Renaissance, New time, modern political and legal theories. Much attention is paid to the presentation of the history of political and legal thought. Russia, starting with Ancient Russia. The features of the doctrine of the state are revealed and the law of the Soviet time at each of the periods of its evolution. The directions of the modern political and legal theory of Russia are interpreted. The textbook is intended for students and graduate students of law faculties and universities, for all those interested in the problems of the history of state and law. Law, state, doctrine of law and state 10.29039/02091-3 Novyy enciklopedicheskiy slovar'. M. : Bol'shaya rossiyskaya enciklopediya, 2005. S. 941. Baranov P.P., Shpak V.Yu. Politologiya. Rostov n/D : RYuI MVD Rossii, 2001 S. 10. Teoriya gosudarstva i prava. Kurs lekciy / pod red. N.I. Matuzova, A.V. Mal'ko. M. : Yurist, 2001. S. 15–17. Nersesyanc V.S. Filosofiya prava : uchebnik dlya vuzov. M. : Norma, 1997. S. 10. Kolmogorov Yu.N., Sergeev A.P., Tarasov D.A., Arapov S.P. Metody i sredstva nauchnyh issledovaniy. Ekaterinburg : Izdatel'stvo Ural'skogo Universiteta. 2017. S. 41. Istoriya politicheskih i pravovyh ucheniy: Uchebnik dlya vuzov / pod obsch. red. V.S. Nersesyanca. M. : Norma, 2004. S. 7. Zakony Manu. Manavadharmashastra. M. : EKSMO-Press, 2002. S. 15. Istoriya politicheskih ucheniy / pod red. S.F. Kechek'yana, G.N. Fed'kina. M. : Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo yuridicheskoy literatury, 1955. Korkunov N.M. Istoriya filosofii prava : Posobie k lekciyam. SPb., 1915. S. 9. «Sem' mudrecov» — naibolee pochitaemye mudrecy i obschestvennye deyateli Drevney Grecii: Fales Miletskiy, Solon Afinskiy, Biant Prienskiy i Pittak Miletinskiy. Diogen Laertskiy. O zhizni, ucheniyah i izrecheniyah znamenityh filosofov. M. : Mysl', 1986. S. 70. Dal' V.I. Bol'shoy illyustrirovannyy tolkovyy slovar' russkogo yazyka. Sovremennoe napisanie. M. : Ast. Astrel'. Hranitel'. 2006. S. 102. Rassel B. Istoriya zapadnoy filosofii. Novosibirsk : Izdatel'stvo Novosibirskogo universiteta, 1997. S. 21. Hrestomatiya po istorii filosofii. V 3-h ch. Ch. 1. M. : Vlados, 1998. S. 57. Platon. Gosudarstvo // Sochineniya v 4 t. T. 3. M. : Mysl', 1994. S. 289. Aristotel'. Nikomahova etika // Hrestomatiya po istorii filosofii v 3-h ch. Ch. 1. M. : Vlados, 1998. S. 119–120. Ciceron M.T. O zakonah // Elektronnaya biblioteka «Grazhdanskoe obschestvo». URL: http://www.civisbook.ru/ Mark Avreliy. K samomu sebe // Antologiya mirovoy filosofii. M., 1969. Ch. 1. S. 520. Korkunov N.M. Lekcii po obschey teorii prava. SPb., 1909. S. 69. Korkunov N.M. Lekcii po filosofii prava. S. 90. There is an electronic copy naukaru.ru