LDR 32137nam#a2202809#i#450# 001 800 005 20240518201928.6 008 _ 20170220d2017####ek#y0engy0150####ca 020 ## _$a978-5-16-012638-8 041 0# _$aRUS 044 ## _$axxu 100 #1 _$aSaprykina, Olga Aleksandrovna _$aМГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова 100 #1 _$aNaydenova, Natal'ya Sergeevna _$aРУДН 245 00 _$aRomance Languages in Sub-Saharan Africa and Postcolonial Literary Discourse _$cMonography 260 1# _$aMoscow _$bINFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC. _$c2017 300 ## _$a106 p. 500 ## _$aThe book deals with the study of functioning of Romance languages in sub-Saharan Africa, namely in the francophone and lusophone countries as well as Spanish-speaking Equatorial Guinea. It offers a detailed description of the sociolinguistic profile of this area, studies the state of the relationship between the Romance and local languages from a historic and modern perspective, analyzes the language politics in these African countries in the postcolonial period. A special emphasis is made on the issue of identity in the African states on the background of the process of decentrement of the geocultural spaces, the key mechanisms thereof being miscegenation and creolization. The literary discourse is regarded as the area of manifestation of the new postcolonial cultural matrix. It involves diverse speech and discursive strategies – those of indigenization and rhetoric modus. The monograph is based on the new illustrative material, that has not been subjected to a detailed research. The book may be used for teaching different disciplines such as linguistics, literary studies, ethnology, sociology, theory of communication, ethnolinguistics. It may be of interest to a large readership. _$aPostcolonial discourse, literary discourse, ethnic specific text, Romance languages, identity, sub-Saharan Africa _$a10.12737/24677 510 0# _$aBahtin, M.M. Voprosy literatury i estetiki. Issledovaniya raznyh let / M.M. 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Propp. - M.: Labirint, 2001. - 367 s. 510 0# _$aPutilov, B.N. Fol'klor i narodnaya kul'tura; In memoriam / B.N. Putilov. - SPb.: Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie, 2003. - 457 s. 510 0# _$aRorti, R. Filosofiya i buduschee / R. Rorti // Voprosy filosofii. - 1994. - № 6. - S. 29-34. 510 0# _$aRyauzova, E.A. Zapad i Vostok v tvorchestve portugaloyazychnyh pisateley: sintez kul'tur / E.A. Ryauzova. - M.: IMLI RAN, 2010. - 240 s. 510 0# _$aSaprykina, O.A. Logos ili diskurs: literatura na rubezhe vekov / O.A. Saprykina // Portugaliya: put' ot revolyucii. - M.: Ves' Mir, 2014. - 368 s. 510 0# _$aSidorova, O.G. Britanskiy postkolonial'nyy roman posledney treti XX veka v kontekste literatury Velikobritanii / O.G. Sidorova. - Ekaterinburg: Izd-vo Ural. un-ta, 2005. - 261 s. 510 0# _$aTeliya, V.N. Konnotativnyy aspekt semantiki nominativnyh edinic / V.N. Teliya. - M.: Nauka, 1986. - 141 s. 510 0# _$aTlostanova, M.V. 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