17751nam#a2201513#i#450# 1861 20241020155420.7 20200310d2020####ek#y0engy0150####ca 978-5-369-02027-2 xxu Право. Юридические науки. 34 Общая теория права. 670 bbk Mamychev, Aleksey Yur'evich Lomonosov Moscow State University Vasilyev, Anton Aleksandrovich Altai State University Shopper, DariusH Поморская академия Vetrenko, Inna Aleksandrovna North-West Institute of Management RANEPA Ovchinnikov, Aleksey Southern Federal University Minnikes, Ilia Anisimovich Irkutsk legal institute (branch) of Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation Zatonskiy, Victor Aleksandrovich Saratov branch of Institute of State and Law (Russian Academy of Sciences) Volobuev, Sergey Georgievich Координатор проекта «Гражданский экзамен» Mordovceva, Tat'yana Vasil'evna Taganrog Institute of Management and Economics Pankratova, Lilia Sergeenva St. Petersburg State University Boychuk, Dmitry Sergeevich Национальный юридический университет имени Ярослава Мудрого Filimonov, V. A. Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS Tristen, Benedict Masevich Рефлексивный театр ситуационного центра Kovaleva, Victoria Viktorovna Северо-Кавказский филиал ФГБОУВО «Российский государственный университет правосудия» Zharov, Sergey Nikolaevich Chelyabinsk State University Goryan, Ella Vladimirovna Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Lobach, Dmitry Vladimirovich Far Eastern Federal University Mohd Hazmi, Mohd Rusli Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Komkova, Galina Nikolaevna N.G. Chernishevsky Saratov State University Platonova, Natalia Igorevna Academy of Tourism and International Relations Omelyanenko, Maria Evgenievna The Institute of Law of the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Grogulenko, Lyubov' Vadimovna Территориальная избирательная комиссия Красноармейского района Приморского края Uglev, Viktor Aleksandrovich Siberian Federal University Guanhaj, Lyuj Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service SHashlo, Nina Vladimirovna Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Voronin, Aleksandr Viktorovich Научная лаборатория «Искусственный интеллект в праве и правовой политике» Саратовского филиала ИГП РАН Sergeeva, Ol'ga YUr'evna Научная лаборатория «Искусственный интеллект в праве и правовой политике» Саратовского филиала ИГП РАН Zareckaya, Anastasiya YAkovlevna Far Eastern Federal University Ivanova, Arina Dmitrievna The Institute of Law of the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Serobyan, Gagik Ashotovich Far Eastern Federal University Kozhemyakina, Anastasiya Dmitrievna Chelybinsk State University Kotlyar, Ol'ga Sergeevna Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Miliev, Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service CHebunin, Nikita Alekseevich Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Son, Dmitrij Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Ali-Osmanova, Ekaterina Sergeevna Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Kurshakov, Zahar Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Ten, Ekaterina Vasilyevna Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Vakurov, Il'ya Petrovich Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Kirishchuk, Alina Sergeevna Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Savluk, Anna Dmitrievna Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Savchenko, Ol'ga Sergeevna Anton Chekhov Taganrog State Institute - branch of Rostov State University of Economics Basinskaya, Anna Andreeva Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service YAkovenko, Nikita Sergeevich Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Kupryashkin, Ilya Vladimirovich Far Eastern Federal University Kupryashkina, Evgeniya Alekseevna АНПОО "ДВЦНО", Академический колледж ZHAO, CHEN Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Tomashuk, Svetlana Mihajlovna Far Eastern Federal University Evseeva, Tat'yana Vital'evna Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service ZHuravlev, Nikita Alekseevich Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Nazarova, Violetta Petrovna The Institute of Law of the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Nazarova, Violetta Petrovna Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Konoplya, YAroslav Andreevich The Institute of Law of the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Vorontsov, Sergey Alekseevicj Academy of National Economy and Public Administrarion under the President of the Russian Federation Bespalova, Tatiana Viktorovna Отдел государственной культурной политики Российского научно-исследовательского Института культурного и природного наследия им. Д.С. Лихачева Dremliuga, Roman Igorevich Far Eastern Federal University Alekseenko, Alkeksandr Petrovich Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service Mordovtsev, Andrey Yurievich Ростовский институт (филиал) Всероссийского государственного университета юстиции THE ROBOTS ASSERT THEIR RIGHTS Monography Moscow Publishing Center RIOR 2020 349 p. The monograph was prepared based on the results of the I far Eastern international forum "Robots claim their rights: doctrinal and legal foundations and moral and ethical standards for the use of Autonomous robotic technologies and devices", dedicated to the discussion of the processes of digital transformation of society, public power activities, law and the state. The event discussed social and philosophical, political and legal, and moral and ethical issues of developing, implementing and applying modern end-to-end digital technologies in various spheres of society's life. 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