@article{Uyba2019results, author={Uyba, V.V. and Akleev, A.V. and Azizova, T.V. and Ivanov, V.K. and Karpikova, L.A. and Kiselev, S.M. and Miheyenko, S.G. and Romanov, S.. and Takhauova, T.M. and Usol'cev, V.Y. and Shinkarev, S.M.}, title={Results of the 66-th Session of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of the Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) (Vienna, 10–14 June, 2019)}, journal={Medical Radiology and radiation safety}, publisher={Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia}, year={2019}, pages={81-88}, volume={64}, issue={5}, }