@article{Uyba2018results, author={Uyba, V.V. and Akleev, A.V. and Azizova, T.V. and Ivanov, V.K. and Il'yasov, D.F. and Karpikova, L.A. and Kiselev, S.M. and Kryshev, A.I. and Miheyenko, S.G. and Romanov, S.. and Usol'cev, V.Y. and Shinkarev, S.M.}, title={Results of the 65th Session of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of the Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) (Vienna, 11–14 June, 2018)}, journal={Medical Radiology and radiation safety}, publisher={Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia}, year={2018}, pages={77-88}, volume={63}, issue={5}, }