@article{Temnov2018investigation, author={Temnov, A.A. and Astrelina, T.A. and Rogov, K.A. and Lebedev, V.. and Nasonova, T.. and Lyrshchikova, A.. and Deshevoy, Y.. and Dobrynina, O.. and Melerzanov, A.V. and Samoylov, A.S. and Bushmanov, A.Y. and Moroz, B.B.}, title={Investigation of the Influence of the Conditioning Medium Factors Obtained During the Cultivation of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells on the Course of Severe Local Radiation Injuries of Skin in Rats}, journal={Medical Radiology and radiation safety}, publisher={Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia}, year={2018}, pages={35-43}, volume={63}, issue={1}, }