%0 Journal Article %T Macular Electroretinography and Methods of Retina Visualization in Diagnostics of Standard Stargardt Disease, Verified by Molecular Genetic Methods %A Strelnikov, V.. %A Rogova, S.. %A Egorova, I.. %A Rogatina, E.. %A Ryabtsev, D.. %A Ivanova, M.. %A Izhevskaya, V.. %A Demenkova, O.. %A Zolnikova, I.. %A Tanas, A.. %K Stargardt desease, electroretinography, macular, tomography, optical coherent, autofluores-cence, molecular genetics %J Journal of New Medical Technologies. eJournal %D 2014 %N 8 %P 7 %I INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC.