Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Scientific and technological progress leads to a continuous increase in the number and complexity of designed systems, as a result of which there is a need to create modern information and intelligent decision support systems. Such systems will make it possible to predict various scenarios of management decisions, which in turn helps to increase the efficiency and quality of the project. Effective use of automation in the search for management decisions can reduce the time spent on analysis, improve the quality of decisions made and increase the overall productivity and competitiveness of the organization. The purpose of this work is to substantiate the scientific approach to the issue of automated search for acceptable management solutions in technical systems. To describe management decisions, a concept is proposed that allows one to compactly depict the structure of complex hierarchical systems. Many solutions are described, and the problem of finding acceptable management solutions is formulated. A system for automated search for management decisions is described. An algorithm is presented for searching solutions that are feasible with respect to a certain condition from a set of possible ones, based on removing the vertices of the search tree that are invalid according to the specification. A description of the automation of building a model of many technical solutions is presented. Using a model to search for a set of acceptable management decisions allows you to more accurately predict various scenarios for the management decision made and helps to increase the efficiency and improve the quality of the project.

Management decision, complex technical system, automated search for solutions, algorithm for finding feasible solutions, design

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