Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Multidimensional experimental tasks with interdependent physical quantities can't be characterized by use of flat two-dimensional plots. Nomograms of new type solve such tasks. In this paper have been presented the nomograms with systematized both axes and planes. At construction of such models it is required a clear separation of all parametrial variable on arguing and functional ones. Nearby axes of interdependent parameters should lie alongside. Each axonometric cell should have a resultant indicator in the form of full size’s geometrical image. For the optimum choice of graphic execution on tabular data with four or five parameters, in the present paper is offered a method of its realization by means of two-oktantal nomogram. Justifications for this method have been presented in the paper. The method itself is based on descriptive geometry’s opportunities expansion at the solution of technical tasks by means of multidimensional geometry. The main lever for the task implementation is, certainly, communication lines. Formerly known from descriptive geometry such concepts as plane of reference, horizontally projecting surface, on the one hand, and pointed measurement of all experimental parameters on the other hand, provides to the nomogram possibility of its understanding for genesis in physical processes. Based on similarity of adjacent oktantal cells having the general axis are plotting two oktantal axonometric nomograms, creating interdependence between parameters by means of communication lines. This method opens a possibility for understanding of physical processes transformation. In this paper have been presented two graphic models of two oktantal nomograms competing for the right to be used by force of theirs optimal advantages. Absolute values of parameters are the real ones, taken from papers in "News of Higher Educational Institutions. North Caucasus Region" journal. Technical Sciences. No. 3, pp. 77–83, and No. 2, pp. 112–119. 2016.

descriptive geometry, multicomponent systems, spatial nomography, functional and arguing axes, communication lines, experiment’s physical component, working horizontal plane, arguing frontal plane, arguing profile plane, similarity theorem, axonometric projections, oktantal nomograms, two-oktantal nomogram, axes of coordinates.

Разнообразие построения номограмм актуально во всех отраслях хозяйственной деятельности. Само название номография было предложено в 1884 г. французским инженером Оканем [24, с. 3].


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